
I just now realized the Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas are not the same person.

Did we expect anything less? This just means she got it right.

Ah, yes, "emotional." The favorite word of misogynists when they want to discount what a female says but don't want to do so using logic, reasoning, and facts.

I suspect that redemption requires one to acknowledge and apologize and make amends for the things in your past that require redemption.

Looks like you should spend less time as TheLaughingMan and more time as TheReadingMan.

Redemption doesn't mean pretending it didn't happen. Redemption is the fact that he's no longer in jail and is playing Major League Baseball. Redemption doesn't mean that people don't have the right to talk about it, and it certainly doesn't mean that somebody has the right to dictate whether other people talk about

Yes, it's called a safe, legal abortion conducted by a trained medical provider.

I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.


If being in a relationship with a woman who makes more money than you and/or has a higher position than you makes you feel that you are becoming obsolete, maybe you should be mocked for being silly, immature, and sexist. So now, on top of everything else that women have to deal with, we have to comfort men for

As a survivor of domestic violence, I am going to voice what may seem really weird to you. I'm glad he kept snapping the pictures.

I love Nicole Richie a stupid amount. She is never not funny.

Not until I'm jetskiing in Barbados with Rihanna.

Well, he can always move to Kentucky and run for the US Senate someday.

And don't forget the Entitlement Chorus chiming in with the "You're saying all men are potential rapists, and that makes us feel bad, so silence yourself!" revue.

THIS. I hate this. Rapists are not all a bunch of born sociopaths that cannot be rehabilitated. Some of them are, for sure, but a lot of that behavior is learned and can be unlearned or prevented.

When I was 14 my dad sat me down for one of the most uncomfortable conversations of my life where he covered drinking, drugs, and sex. One of the most important things he said? "No means no, period, end of story. If you think no might mean yes remove yourself from the situation because it can't lead to anything good."

"If alcohol plays a role in so many rapes, then ostensibly encouraging men to stop drinking excessively would prevent rapists — and therefore rapes— from happening. Right?"