
I hate having a beard, but I love my burns.

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I found an alternate video with a better exhaust.

Yes, all critics of our nation's first black President are racists. It couldn't be that people disagree with his fiscal policy, style of diplomacy or his murder of innocent Afghans with Hellfire missiles.

She is missing Tuck, and Ming-Ming too.

Is it really news that interracial adoption rates are low? Is it really news in Alabama?

He's not a racist. He's an idiot.

Of all the potential choices that I wasn't going to watch anyway, he is one of them.

I have tried, tried TRIED To convince my fellow Subie fans that the 2015 STI is still a good, nay, great car. But the EJ drivetrain made them all pooh-pooh it. I had a sad.

This is racist

Florida Man always has the best mug shots.

I am admittedly hopelessly unromantic, but that is really fucking stupid.

I'm waiting for Magic Mike 2059: The Soggy Bottom Sequel

So they'll release this game and yet we never got Valkyria Chronicles 3, Phantasy Star Online 2, Shining Feather, or a dozen other JRPGs stateside? Fuck you Sega

It would really make a lot more sense if you hadn't cropped it, Kyle.

By Landline I bet. How they got anyone below 50 is beyond me.

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Then here's its sister, the Xsara that actually won WRC events:


Someone was bound to post this, so I'm getting it out of the way. ;)

"Ran when parked"

It's a hard rock station?