
wow he fits in a countach! dude must be seriously short :)

Not going to lie, I came into the post thinking “it’s not that bad”, because the thumbnail looked like an actual improvement was made from the original. Having seen some of the rest... ouch... that’s pretty bad.

All right, here comes the gamer discourse about female video game character faces...

I disagree with the idea that reselling digital music is a use case for a blockchain. It feels like this entire system could be more efficient if “who owns what music” is stored in a database by the artist, merchant, label, or whoever instead of storing this information in the blockchain.

Well yeah NFTs and cryptocurrencies would fall under the Fictitious Capital category. I’m not going to split hairs.

Yeah the space part should have been more fleshed out. Think they ran out of time and had to scrap it and make this fast travel blunder instead.

No judgment for how you choose to spend your free time, but maybe part of your issue is that you’re getting bored after averaging playing 9 hours a day for the past 6 days?

Todd Howard says it’s all about making planet exploration an “experience.”

Got about 55 hours in now. The main ‘experience’ I have walking towards unexplored waypoints on planets is boredom and annoyance as I sometimes need to wait for my stamina/oxygen to replenish before I can sprint again. And as far as jetpacks

Is this a gaming site or some tabloid? The article does not include the most important information - did he save his progress?

I got to the part where he was like “i need something bigger” and then i told him to piss off lol

Fly safe, explorer. Navigate the uncharted and crash-infested territories of a new Bethesda release. Those waiting behind for patches salute your bravery.

I’m in the opposite camp, I’ve been waiting 10 years for a new AC. The newest Bethesda RPG can hang out for a while until I’ve kicked enough robots off of cliffs.

I snuck into two E3s when they were in Atlanta, trust me it isn’t terribly hard, or at least it wasn’t in the 90's

The headline sorta makes it sound like it was the same one as last time.

This is why those event should not be open to the public and only to the industry people.

Someone on the internet making a good faith attempt to spread Holocaust awareness = bad.

How progressive and tolerant of you.

We live in the stupidest timeline.

Jif is what I was raised on and tends to be my favorite - but I mostly buy the Smuckers natural nowadays (due to it being healthier). They both have their charms - the Jif is smoother and creamier by far - the Smuckers has a much more peanut-y flavor. If I’m putting PB on an English muffin, Jif all the way - if I’m

“My latest, and last, film.”