
I tell this story all the time, but an acquaintance worked in Hollywood for a while and they literally had a spreadsheet on how to maximize returns based on preset criteria. This particular studio had a line-item for Vin Diesel because putting him an any dogshit film would net them at least a couple more million than

paul didn’t turn his back on her. he took the narrow path and forsaw that chani would come to accept it.
chani is the one who turned her back on paul, which is unfortunate because she didn’t in the book

I’m convinced that film execs and producers don’t know the difference between a good film and a bad one, they simply see them as the sum of their parts.

So what?

That’s probably why they need 500 new ones, so they can find the handful that will last more than 6 months.

often a failed live service for a time generates more revenue for the few months that it is live than a single player game will in its lifetime

To re-iterate.. someone is going to fuck that bucket.

At the core of any good comedy is truth, and the right wing is dependent on avoiding basic known truths. “Isn’t it funny how all planes look like rubber bands” doesn’t work as a joke because it’s fundamentally removed from any sort of core relatable/universal experience that any successful humor depends on.

Yes, some of them absolutely believe there’s a pedophile ring being run out of a pizza parlor in Washington, D.C., and would die in the cause’s name.”

How in the hell do Jones’ sympathizers support Trump considering they rail against Clinton for being a rapist (Trump has TWENTY-SIX sexual assault claims against him and recently lost a civil case and appeals effort against Jean Carroll for defamation regarding rape).

Right wing humor is always...bad. As in structurally and in punchline. The ‘joke’ is always just like, ”haha, gays are icky” and like...that’s it? That’s the entire joke. It’s less comedy and more just openly stating bad policy that they also think is hilarious.

I spent more time than I should have reading the store page and trying to divine if this was a parody or sincere, and then I realized: it doesn’t fucking matter, because the Jones vortex is just meaningless nonsense, but like, not in a fun dadaist way.

17.76 is a bit high, we all know its going on sale for 14.88

Who did you lose a bet to?

I thank the Universe everyday for NOT making me like one of these horrendous “humans”.

I wouldn’t say the story is “rotten to the core.” That would imply that it’s off putting or sickening in some sense.

Instead it’s flat, flavourless and bland.

What’s extra weird about this article is that Kotaku doesn’t shy away from calling out how billionaires suck and capitalism is making our lives worse in almost anything else.

Not me. I have been to a few circuit races. They universally suck to spectate. Better off watching at home on a nice big TV.

I’m a Vegas lover, and F1 fan, and when they first announced this race I told my wife I wanted to do whatever it took to be there. I didn’t even need a race ticket; I would have been content to watch on the TV in the hotel room as the cars zoomed by outside. I just wanted to be there and experience the vibe.