
Who’s saying they don’t? Not Dave Chappelle, not any of the commenters on this article. Where’d you find this strawman?

Oh I’m watching this one. The last time he was on there, I about burst a blood vessel laughing. Chris Rock came back for a skit too.

Transphobia isn’t murder. If you say it over and over again and try to convince others of it, it still isn’t murder. Dave never said anything transphobic.

If speaking FACTS that men can’t

The combination of Chappelle hosting and regular SNL writers not participating bodes well for this being a good episode.

Does anyone else feel like they could go in to a meeting with some of these higher ups, just say a long string of buzz words, and proceed to walk out with 10s of millions of dollars?

Because that’s honestly how I feel right now. Its not even con artistry at this point, these people are just desperate to lose money

While I can’t say this is $44B worth of entertainment

That’s always the answer to go to.

Shepherd “died” at the end of ME1's cannon ending, and ME2 begins with Shepherd being technologically resurrected. So Shepherd being alive is within the lore.

Someone much better at lore than me can probably find Liara’s age. I believe she states in one game that she is only a century old, and she referred to herself

lol I know I shouldn’t engage with you people, but what the hell...

Because they feel they have the legitimate purpose which will force the cops to act in their interests.

I mean this for Elon Musk from the bottom of my heart:

I’m fairly certain Musk never actually voted liberal. He’s a billionaire, Republicans are fighting for his interests by default, i.e. reducing his tax burden and shifting it onto the middle class.

Then he found out his sexual assault history was going to become public and made a hard-right shift in his public persona,

You make me wonder if Musk’s political hard turn to the far right is somehow ego-related. We already know the far righters are fanatically loyal followers of anyone openly espousing ideas they already agree with (IE, corrupt, incompetent, cheating-at-golf, fifth avenue penthouse Donald Dump saying Mexicans are

I couldn’t think of just one terrible thing Elon has done, so here’s a bunch.

It’s not freedom of speech they want, it’s freedom from response.

Even funnier are the Musk stans running around defending it as "his company his rules" ignorant of the "free speech" Musk promised. 

This shit gets funnier by the hour, this man in so far above his head it is ridiculous. 

I’m surprised Musk didn’t get his own account banned for not marking it as “parody”

I’ve gone pretty far doomsday myself, but I’m more concerned about Republicans winning elections in key areas and then effectively ending democracy by appointing election officials that will challenge/overturn results.

I dunno, I can’t see this in ANY other way than a guy making a joke about “maybe i’ll buy twitter” then impulsively deciding to do that, and then stepping on every possible rake thereafter.

I’m calling this (again). Right here, Nov 4, 2022. No sooner did I write this in another post did one of the first pillars fall: Site moderation.