
Considering how bad she is at dealing with the issues of women of color, I would say that Miley Cyrus is already pretty good at feminism.

I phrased it badly. She may have identified as a lesbian, but clearly she isn't one. If I, after a lifetime of heterosexuality and 3 marriages to men, suddenly fell in love with a woman, I wouldn't be a lesbian either. I'd be bi. Just like Ms. McCray.

I'm multi-ethnic, married to a woman whose ethnicity is very different from mine.

I lived with my parents for almost two years after I graduated - almost a year and a half after I had a good, stable job (horray for a 2010 graduation date!!!)

The problem is when it enables people to be irresponsible. I have friends that live at home that will help around the house or contribute money, but I also have friends that will spend their money on leisurely items and not contribute time or money to the household (one of them is living in his parents house with his

As much as I would love for this to happen, I'm not optimistic (trying to be realistic with my knowledge of the industry), and it's impossible for this year. The casting for the show was months and months ago, and as all the outfits for VS are custom designed for the individual models, a last minute substitution would

Trans or no, Carmen is hotter than nearly every current VS Angel.

No more stigma than your screen name...

I'm sorry, I'm 35 but old enough to say that "in my day" if someone knocked on my door and I was afraid to open I'd just (hold on to your hats, this is going to rock your world...) NOT OPEN THE DOOR!

This story never sounded like much of an accident to me.

Thanks :D You're sweet.

Like anything in life, there is a time and a place for everything. Some people have jobs that require actual physical movement and getting dirty. Having shoes you can hose off are handy in those situations. Or situations where traction and support is very important, like in a kitchen (there's another post by a chef to

Isn't that generally what people do...? They make their own personal observations about how they see the World?

Next time, I'll take into consideration that Pyrax doesn't appreciate opinions.

It's a power trip. Looks have high importance in the social capital game, and making fun of others' is a way to assert your rightful place in the hierarchy.

It's okay, though, because man-made climate change isn't a thing, so this is actually just God's will, which means the Philippines must have done something to piss Him off and nothing He does can ever be called unjust by mere humans.

You ever been in a Crocs store? The smell. Oh sweet Jesus, the smell.

All newborns are ugly. Yes, yours, too.

there have been times when you've seen an infant and thought, "Ew."

Hi, all babies look the exact same to me.

Babies are assholes. It's only fair.