I can't believe after the honesty Claflin showed while shedding light on Hollywood's insane beauty ideals (much like Panem's!), someone would be gross enough to make this comment. Dude. Come the fuck on.
I can't believe after the honesty Claflin showed while shedding light on Hollywood's insane beauty ideals (much like Panem's!), someone would be gross enough to make this comment. Dude. Come the fuck on.
Well, an Asian woman is using her own art to talk about racism and sexism against Asian women, so I'm pretty sure no one gives a fuck if you're offended by it.
At first I got defensive because I dated a Korean-American woman in college, and I distinctly remember my sister asking me if I was "one of those guys."
If white men having Yellow Fever for Asian women is a thing, Asian women having White Fever for white men is definitely also a thing.
"I think whether a woman... Or anybody, quite frankly... Wants to wear combat boots, or 8-inch heels... That's their prerogative."
Word, girl. WORD. And that snickering audience can kiss your ass, because you're right. That is one of the most progressive statements ever made on that horrible talk show. Especially when…
I think the biggest problem here, in this clip, is the fact that Bethenny is essentially slut-shaming Courtney for dressing a certain way. Not only that, but this piece in particular by Jezebel (much like the Miley Cyrus piece) is essentially saying that feminism is an exclusive club that sluts and the like just…
I don't know...I think this makes a lot more sense than a lot of shit we've been reading lately.
Courtney also revealed she views herself as a 'true feminist' and respects a woman's right to look however it is she wants to look.
I have a problem with Bethanny's first statement about Courtney taking back her innocence. You can't take back your innocence. That's not how thing work.
I'm just glad younger women are calling themselves feminists. I took a Psychology of Women course in college and when the professor asked who in the room were feminists, I was the only one to raise my hand. At the end of the course, almost everyone raised their hand declaring to be feminists because they were…
They're both very young and really haven't found their feminist voices. Not sure if they ever will, but let's just let this play out before we judge them too harshly.
I think it's great for any young woman to identify as a feminist, considering how that's considered by many to be a dirty word nowadays! Good for them! Welcome to the sisterhood, Courtney and Miley! :)
Is it wrong that I like Courtney Stodden a little more now that she ended her marriage?
To be honest, I thought Courtney would annoy me when I watched this, but she didn't. The catty audience and Bethenny did. I think they all could learn a lot from the part where Courtney says, "I think real women support other women" — Go ahead girl.
Fuck those assholes for laughing at her. Even if what she is saying makes you cringe, be respectful of someone who is making an earnest statement.
Just for a 19-year-old to say that she's supportive of any woman's choices is great for her age. Maybe that's a good starting place for younger feminists, considering how much women tear each other down. If even a few women start to break the cycle of policing each other, that is a good day.
I have to say that the most uncomfortable part of this clip — and it surprises me to say that — are the grinning assholes caught reacting at her 'feminist' comment. The mixture of contempt, lurid gossipy interest and superiority in those grins is quite unpleasant.
The women in the audience are giving an awful lot of shade and side-eye, and normally I would too, but Stodden's being pretty articulate here and making a decent case for herself in the video. And she's handling having some pretty shame-y questions and actions very well.
Honestly, I think what she was saying is kind of awesome (?). She looks like your stereotypical "dumb blonde" but what she's saying (if you can look past the ridiculous pitch of her voice) is actually totally legit. Feminists can look however they want, and we shouldn't judge this girl for her choices. She seems…
UGH shut up Bethanny, please just let her talk.
My 11 year old son has asked for a rainbow loom for Hanukkah (not Christmas ... sorry not sorry). But I call it "that rubber band bracelet-making thingie."