Very beautiful, but I hate watching something where I know the lines are lines. It was like watching one of those "commercials" from America's Next Top Model to me. Gorgeous, but they can't deliver a line convincingly to save their lives.
They were just sorta... rattling off sentences.
Jieses, Lil'B.
I was thinking the same thing. Suddenly I feel incredibly organized.
I really don't understand the hate on this, and those who comment "what is the point of this..?"
You know what the point of this is? It's an individuals account of a particular part of their lives. It doesn't have to have explosions/aliens/spies in it. It's not meant to be exciting. It's an individual's experience.
Well, that's a pretty fair point. I can't really argue it.
At least all the comments on his ween were quite positive. :S That's a bonus. Lol.
I'll say it:
Perez Hilton is such a mess.
I'm not going to go as far as to say it's right to drone on and on about Michael Fassbender's penis, but I will go as far as to say that he put it out there.
There's something incredibly hypocritical about celebrities that put their private bits on display and then expect people to NOT comment on it. Nudity in…
It's official:
Heidi Klum is the Queen of Halloween. She is the HalloQueen.
She has a phenomenal face.
Aside from that, I really do appreciate her. As a member of the LGBT community, I will forever be grateful for her standing up for the rights of minorities during her peak of fame. It's a brave thing to do, even though some people found it exploitative. I found it refreshing and hopeful...…
I love when people end up where they belong.
This is the best I've seen her in YEARS. Cute. Makes me really happy. :) I like when she's doing something fun.
Good point! I really think then-Kelly would be horrified to know what she turned into. An uppity, snobby, fat-phobic fashion critic ONLY worthy of an ugly, day-old grocery store cake delivered through her mother.
You're welcome! People who want REAL food for their furbabies and themselves will stand together! Leave me the birds and the bees, pleeeeeease.
I think for me (and my future dog), eating healthy and organic is less about health (humans have a certain lifespan, anyway, that due to family history I'll likely stay on trend with) and more about the principal of it. I deserve to eat real food with no chemicals. I deserve to eat a real apple. My (future) dog…
Jesus fucking Christ that's a gorgeous dress.
I'm just gonna sip my tea and watch it sparkle.
Wow. She looks phenomenal, and I'm so proud of all the work that she's continuing to do. I could not imagine the amount of PTSD that I would have if something as tragic happened to me... But she gets up every day and continues to make a difference. Loooooove her.
And on a really superficial note, I really like her…
When I was a teenager (with teen angst, mind you), I used to love Kelly Osbourne. Now that I'm an adult, all I see is an annoying twit who can't keep her mouth shut. I'm all for speaking your mind, but when you're only opening your mouth to say someone is fat or that they look horrible in a dress they chose, I don't…
I think you have summed this up in a really lovely and understanding way. Totally true. There's a huge difference between someone genuinely unaware of what blackface means and stands for, and someone who is racist and knows full well what they're doing.
But man, I hope they go easy on her. This is not her highest…
Hm... I dunno. Would you spend a lot of money on a cake going to Kelly Osbourne?