
I'm glad I'm not the only one to have noticed! Nothing needed to be done to her. Nothing. And then she went and did it! Nooooo.

Not to mention I was kind of happy to see a beautiful dark-haired woman on TV. Now she's a blonde/brunette? Second noooooooo.

Oh my God. She's fucking fierce. Loved it! Ahhhhhh.

Brave. Not only to pull through her ordeal which got her the media attention in the first place, but also to continue to stay in the limelight. The comments conspiracy theorists are posting about her are everywhere, and they're heinous.

I wish her all the best!

Kim is SO BEAUTIFUL. I wish she would lay off the plastic surgery a little bit. I mean, to each their own... But she's approaching a critical point in my opinion.

I still go back and stare at this picture because she's so gorgeous:

Really? Wow... That's pretty terrible if that's true. I can't believe I've been defending his hotness this entire time (even though I barely care about the book or the movie).

I know, eh? I'm a gay guy and if I had thighs like that I'd wear that exact same outfit with no shame.

I'm actually jealous of you. I know waaaay too much about JLo.

"Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing."

Is the title of this website. I love Britney as much as any fan, but I'm tired of the media making me feel bad because I don't have a flat tummy like Britney Spears. When I come here and see that Britney indeed does not have a flat tummy either, I don't

First of all, wonderful username. Love that movie.

Second of all, we comment on the looks of male politicians' wives all the time. This time it's just spun around (which isn't a bad thing). Compton's First Dude looks hot! This article mainly focuses on the Mayor's substance. So I don't think it's worth getting all up

Don't worry, you're here with the rest of us. And we're among the best. ;)

*Sits back with coffee and watches*

Oh. This is good.

This young woman is just so inspiring. It brings a tear to my eye that someone so young could be so brave. When I was her age, I was afraid to stand up to anything or anyone. I just did what was expected of me... She's learned so early on that she can make a change. It leaves the rest of her life to do such wonderful

Perfect description! She really can't be human, honestly. She's too good.

Streetcar and subway in Toronto! Its about 40 minutes of Hell.

She has an unmatched beauty. I could stare at her for hours (but that would be creepy). I missed my chance to stare at her at the MOMA!

Wife. Partner. Girl. Mother of his child. It doesn't change the spirit of my actual post.

Wow. I have such a love/hate relationship with things that make my mortality more apparent to me.

As a Canadian, I am so, so proud of her. I would be anyway, but it hits a special place for me.

It's not that people hate Kanye, so much... I think it's because Kanye epitomizes what it means to be an arrogant celebrity. To ASSUME you are so worthy and important, when celebrities (especially his wife) are not worthy of it at all.

He's a genius? I don't think so. He's lucky. Many celebrities are just lucky.


I'm like, paper-pale and I use a gradual tanner. Sometimes when us extremely white people apply a self-tanner, it can immediately go orange because we don't have the undertones that work against that. I find a gradual tanner to be best when going for a more "permanent" tan that last a few days without applying every