You know... You're onto something there.
Thank you for replying so thoroughly! I really do agree with you here. Miley's nudity is a little bit gratuitous and severely lacking.... Something. Without that something, it does seem trashy and I don't mean to support that, either. I would much prefer a message, or at LEAST a good song.
BUT... Does trashy music…
Loved your reply! Thank you. I think it perfectly answers my question. You seem to have a point that Miley has been led to believe that she's being herself, when really she's just been a little brainwashed into thinking that this is what women do when they grow up.
Very good points, especially the example about Lady Gaga. I happen to really like and respect her stuff. Quite a bit more than Miley's (for those reasons you mentioned).
However, shouldn't we be at a point now in 2013 where we can just see some boobs without some deep narrative attached as to why? We never ask that of…
True dat. Hopefully that will change (but it likely will not).
No, you certainly have a point there. Especially with Bowie/Palmer! I think we lack those sort of really prominent types of male stars right now, actually. Ones with a message along with their sexuality. It's mostly female stars that try to put out their own brand of sexy to stand out from one another, but why expect…
I suppose that could be it. But a woman would never get away with that.
Even when Jewel was mimicking pop stars in her "Intuition" music video, people were calling her slutty and saying she was selling out. It seems like women just can't do those social commentaries without people being all like... "Look at the whore!"
Wow, that's a very good point! Thank you.
Here's some food for thought, though. I'm playing devil's advocate here, because I happen to agree with Dodai.
There is no fun radical sect of any religion, it seems. If you're some crazy fundamentalist, heaven forbid you ever have fun! Or show skin! Or celebrate other cultures! Or let all your politics aside for a moment and enjoy some fucking amazing costumes.
Just go back to only ever discussing your religions with other…
"The real window into the soul is a person's crotch."
Truer words have never been spoken, my friend.
This angle is so not good for my fivehead. But I've got my angles down now. I could be a selfie-supermodel. Coco knows the angles, y'aaaall.
I'm Canadian, and the video isn't working for me! Noooooooooo. Is it good, guys? Is it gonne be effing good?! I can't deal with the anticipation. I may implode.
Awe! I'm so glad I could bring a little nostalgia to your day. Those were the days, eh?? And that is the best picture ever.
DEBBIE HARRY FOREVER. Call Meeeeeeeee (on your clear retro phone).
I think it's less to do with the actual show, and just the annoyance of having too many reality shows out there. There are certainly worse ones than DWTS, but I think it's run its course. It's like Survivor and Big Brother, to me. I watched the first two seasons of each and just had to move on. It felt very "been…
Spelling fail. Commence turbo coffee-drinking.
I want to kiss all of the puppies. Quit my job, and just go kiss and hug them allllllll daaaaaay looooong.
I was so afraid of Bill Nye joining Dancing With The Stars because I absolutely HATE the show, and I was afraid of my childhood nostalgia intermingling with this new, awful (sorry if you like it) generation of television. With that being said, I really found myself cheering him on. Him and Amber Riley. I just like…