
Awe, you do have a point. I just have a very cold, cold heart. Lol. She does seem like a good mom, but I think her "family my faaaaaamily... we're faaaaaaaaaaaaaaamily" just sounds so forced. Like her whole life she couldn't wait to grow up and be a stereotypical Italian matriarch. But yes, she can be quite sweet.

Now playing

Eh. Couldn't finish it.

I prefer this one:

Thank you! That's exactly what I mean and I couldn't put it into words very well. You hit the nail on the head. She need not pancake the make up!

And you're right. I already found her slight disconnect from her children a little strange, but the creep factor has been elevated.

God, that is so sad. She was brave to be the face of something so terrifying to others, all in the name of helping people who were affected by this ad enough to stop smoking. Rest in peace, girl. You made an impact.

First of all, sorry for spelling "awful" wrong, but I hadn't had coffee yet.

And just to clarify... I believe Julie Chen's reasons for the surgery. But I just felt like elaborating too much on how "tired" or "disinterested" she looked before didn't help the situation. Millions of people live with those eyes who don't

Iconic image! And it's almost certain she was; however... I think Elizabeth looks far more natural, even though she's been made up. Her head sorta blends with her body even though she's got a lot of makeup on. Kris Jenner's head just looks copied and pasted on. It has a strange smoothness in comparison to the rest of

He's likely the best contestant DWTS has ever had (tied with Pam Anderson, because I'm Canadian, and we gotta stick together).

I have some old TV and movie jewellery and items purchased from auctions, and I can tell you that $10,000.00 for a fake award is a little much. Even for this show (which is wonderful).

I love you Julie, but I think you need to take what you said before and just own it instead of backtracking and falling into a hole that you can't get out of. Especially with people like Sharon Osbourne around (as much as I love her), to dig you a little deeper.

"Jew-bump"? God, that's aweful.

She always seems to be everyone's favourite character on a show, but Caroline Manzo sometimes is like nails on a chalk board with the whole "family" thing. We get it! You have a family. You love them. You stick together. You're overbearing. We get ittttt.

Although maybe it's the introvert in me that couldn't handle all

I'll just tell her I watched her talk show, and all will be made better.

It's undeniable that Kris Jenner looks good in the bikini (her body looks bangin'... well, what we can see above the water) but the face just throws it off for me. She's lovely looking, but it's too made up/photoshopped/surgeried on her face. It just messes it up for me. It probably would have been made to look better

Right on, baby! Good for you. Rake it in.

She's pretty effing amazing, but I wish she'd switch up the hair once in a while, or maybe throw a little hat on or something. It would just make it a little more interesting. You're VOGUE after all, daaaaaaahling.

I'm willing to settle with you on this one by saying, all of the small children, less five (OneDirection).

But that's my final offer.

Haha! Perfect description. Perfect. Gold star.

Nice to see her where she belongs.

That's about as nice as I can be.

Why do ALL OF THE SMALL CHILDREN (Jaden Smith, Justin Bieber, etc.) do that facial expression. All. Of. The. Time.

I think every picture I see of Jaden Smith, he looks like someone took away his candy.

Wow. Everyone ready to go back to 1993?

Because I'm not.

Oh burrrrrrrrrrrrn.