Because you're an ignorant frat boy that probably also likes visiting The Chive, because you're just that kind of person.
Because you're an ignorant frat boy that probably also likes visiting The Chive, because you're just that kind of person.
You know, I think you have a point there.
God that thing is ratty.
I really do not enjoy an ironic mullet.
While this would exist even if legal adoption was easy, this is just made worse by the fact that adopting a child via legal means is terribly difficult and expensive. We've made it so only the wealthy and "perfect" can adopt, even though those aren't always the best homes to end up in. Then we have a ton of really…
Awe, poor Bronies. They just want internet happiness and love. I can't hate.
You know what? Good for him. He's trying. It might be something nobody else would do, but he spent the time to write a letter and give whatever he likes a good go. Chase that dream, you special snowflake. I hope he scores the T and A of his dreams.
This is absolutely terrifying. More terrifying to me than any slasher/ghost movie.
And of course, I love me some Bullock.
You know, we all struggle with body acceptance to a certain degree, one way or another. Nobody is ever their perfect selves... But you cannot look at her before picture and see that as healthy, do you? Because I promise you, it's not. Neither is being super skinny. We would applaud the weight gain of an anorexic woman…
Oh, trust me. I'm with you there. I would pass on Timberlake too.
Besides, I was a Backstreet Boys fan, anyway.
Wow, this actually good! And yes, a far cry from his bro-aviators and smug-face. Me likey.
Why thank you! I remember finding it kindof hysterical that Justin Timberlake straightened his hair, too. I was like... Are you guys going for a completely-effing-identical vibe, orrrrrrrr.
But Robin Thicke is definitely douchier. If only for his obnoxious sunglasses and eyebrow-raises.
Give Robin Thicke a break, guys. All he'll ever be is a poor man's Justin Timberlake.
This woman is going to age extremely, extremely well.
Julie Chen is always so calm and composed. I would have let the bitch have it. What a bigoted pile of shit. I don't even watch Big Brother, and I'm horrified this woman was even allowed to be on TV as long as she has been. It's disappointing.
These cats are my life. That is both a happy and a sad thing.
You know guys, if she manages to do this right, this could be pretty epic.
I'm sure Taylor Swift is a really lovely lady, but someone needs to seriously take her aside and tell her that she really really needs to get over her "girl scorned" thing. It's borderline rediculous. Pretty soon, absolutely nobody is going to go near that. Everytime you had an argument, she'd write a song…
Clearly she hasn't seen the "Blurred Lines" video. She should know by her sons douchey sunglasses that it wasn't the first time his willy met a butt.
You know, if they are dating at all... She also had a part in it.