I Googled it... And I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. That is... That is just fine. Damn it.
Shit. Shitballs he's hot.
I Googled it... And I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. That is... That is just fine. Damn it.
Shit. Shitballs he's hot.
Pardon me while I go cry-eat.
But no, really, she looks amazing. Funny lady. Love you.
I grow tired of this man and his douchey sunglasses. Seriously. I've seen him up close in real life and there's no doubt that he's handsome.......... But dude. Those glasses. Really? Might as well put on a fedora and wear a white tie with a black shirt.
You win with this comment. You win nothing... But this made me laugh out frozen yogurt in a restaurant, alone, with onlookers. That's a prize in and of itself.
You know Jezebel is made up of many different writers with their own opinions, biases and ideas, right?
Are there seriously people complaining about him walking up and grabbing her "property" and damaging it? She endangered his LIFE. He could have been DEAD or HURT. She lost a cell phone and was a little shaken up.
Seriously. I would have at least keyed her car, too. "Two wrong don't make a right" is true, but he's…
By the time this performance was done, I was red from second-hand embarrassment.
Well put! I love her new look, and I really hope the album does well and has some good music on it. Judging by this, it will!
I looooooved this performance so much. It was cool how she sorta gave a little nod to the beginning of her career with that sparkly jacket and platinum wig. She's a cutie. Major talent, too. I was getting such young-Liza vibes from her at the very beginning.
Ah, I see! And yet Jezebel is still raining on the parade. Sometimes... I swear...
Very good point that I had no idea about! Thank you.
If I were the television god, I would cancel Kris's show just for having Kanye on it, not the other way around.
I'm not saying we should ignore the issues here, but we also have to look at things for what they actually are. There is much more to Africa than social injustice, and just because it's been taken advantage of in the past, I don't think it's wise that we ignore the fact that Africa is huge, biodiverse and beautiful. I…
So, because he's royal and British, he can't theme his baby's room around the savannah and wildlife of Africa? You're seriously making snide remarks about things he didn't participate in, and for not decorating his baby's room with African social issues? Is this happening?
First of all, his mother, Princess Diana, was…
People offended by this are people who will perpetually be offended by everything from here on out, forever and ever.
And ever.
Get over yourselves. This is hilarious.
Suri is gonna lose her shit.
NO. Kiernan... You run away from that Lifetime movie with all of your young-person energy, and head straight for movies. Real movies (sorry Lifetime). You are NOT Jennifer Love Hewitt. You are just starting out. Run, girl.
If ah can tuhrn back taooohm. If ah could fahnd uha wayeeee
I'm a boy, but I'm a gay boy... And I literally just shaved off all my hair. It was totally a good length for styling and I really thought I was really unattractive without it. One day (like, last week), I just woke up and decided that (unlike the Lady Gaga song), I am not my hair. It is not a part of me. It was dyed…