
This is still my newest Sony console.

Anytime I go back to my save card and look at half completed, abandoned JRPG runs, paired up with that lonely sound, I think of days I can’t get back.

I would like a second opinion from Mike Fahey.

I would love to hear your opinion.

What did you think of the recent Cuphead article? Did you leave a comment there? :)

What did you think of the recent Cuphead article? Did you leave a comment there? :)

A portrait of the height of Yellow Privilege and power.

As a depressed man, these articles convince me to drive a stake into my heart. I probably have not caused a woman discomfort other than a total of two non-sexual advances, and past that I’ve pretty much given up on relations to the other sex. I don’t hold it against women at all, it’s just my own failing.

Normally this

Gamestop reviews look like this too.


There will be no shortage of people out to spit on Nintendo, the crowds who crank about how their time has passed and how they should hang it up. “Any moment now!”, they say - while staring in the mirror and plucking out the grey hairs from their chin.

At this point I rank those guys barely above people who keep

If there was an Over (XX Age) tournament where I live, I would go. The reason for group specific tournaments is to actually encourage MORE people to get into a competitive type scene where a mainstream setting might seem less inviting.

If some of these girls do really well in their own tournament and gain the

We need this guy to stream some drunk Overwatch.

Papers, Please is great as it is.

Serious question from a brown person. What if some dick cop or ICE decided that that they were dead set on detaining a brown person on suspicion of being an illegal and came across me? What ‘papers’ would be enough to wave under an officer’s nose, and what are my next steps if I end up detained anyway? Should I start

I’ve given up. :) I understand it’s my fault, and I’d be off a bridge already if I wasn’t a coward. Also, my OKCupid is roughly a decade old.

34 / m and I’ve never even been in any kind of non-platonic relationship. I’m fairly sure I’m not as a wonderful person as the first letter, and on top of massive approach anxiety, depression, health issues, I also know that there are a LOT of women who would not appreciate me doing so much as look in their direction.

I don’t think we deserve a nuclear war, but hearing of this pushes the needle a bit into the direction of karmic armageddon.

I hear these people talking about how the Las Vegas shooting was a ‘CIA psy-op’. They cite ‘no blood or bodies’ in the youTube comments on compilation videos, and when they are linked to graphic evidence, they just dismiss the bodies as being played by ‘crisis actors’.

Well, if Trump is seen mourning the victims,

It feels like each set of these guidelines just adds one more mine to the field that aspiring and existing creators need to step around.

Don’t eat at any fast food places, either.