
Yes! Amazing.

I’ve been thinking on this, and here is an answer as to why you don’t see more people / women of color in games. It’s because there aren’t enough people /women of color in a position to be putting their experiences and stories front and center on stages such as Overwatch.

Asking someone else to write a character that

Part of it is because the chains simultaneously squeeze the customer more and more in the form of rising delivery fees, and also cut back on in-house staff, which means the driver is spending more time inside the kitchen instead of on the road and collecting tips. Desperate drivers, and dishonest drivers will hoard

>Sometimes I fear that when I write about race some of the angrier commenters think I am some grand arbiter of what can or can’t be in a game.

This might not be your specific intent, but this is what happens anyway. People who lead or open the discussion become the flag of the camp that others gather around.

The latest from the publisher that shut down City of Heroes, Wildstar, Tabula Rasa and more!

Let’s say you’re working at one of these places and see one or two of these idiots filming this kind of defilement. What would you do?

If you go into a Domino’s kitchen on a busy night, you’ll change your mind again!

The methods of engaging criticism mentioned here seem to run opposite of what at least one of the more prominent Kotaku staffers seem to practice. If you think they aren’t engaging the masses with understanding / fairness, don’t call them out on it on the site comments of one of their articles - you will be slapped

Good! I can think of at least one other game that needed to separate from a tyrant publisher / distributer. Most of them had belonged to NCSoft.

Nintendo is making it harder for me to argue against piracy.

I feel sorry for Las Vegas and the locals should be demanding the names of everyone who approved the stadium bailout.

I gave someone a Steam gift of MGSV. Just make sure the person is on your friends list long beforehand if you want the gift to be a surprise. I sort of botched the whole thing by not attempting to get the gift til’ last minute..

It’s not always right, but cheap usually wins.

Tom Fulp of Newgrounds pulled a shrewd move and.. promoted Newgrounds. The site has been seeing more activity than it has in years as a result.

So good I’m considering buying two for myself.

If they don’t agree with everything you do, then they’re either a lemming or a hater? I understand the need to not bend backwards for people who will might never bring any positive interaction into your life, but that just sounds like a rotten way to label everyone.

I wonder if this is a valid overclocking strategy.

I think there is a difference between a smartphone title trying to shift direction for new markets and a mainline game with a specific artist and art direction in mind. This is yet again another chance for some to sneer names at others from their armchairs.

one man’s garbage..