I really should fire up my copy and finish it.
I really should fire up my copy and finish it.
I love this story.
Why didn’t one of your competitors, who buy up your cars to endlessly study them, X-ray them, take them apart and test them six ways to Sunday, blow the whistle in the supposedly “ruthless” automotive business?
. . and that’s the mentality that’s been poisoning the retail experience. That a no-upsell situation is considered a ‘loss’. Good to know that if I decide to put my hard earned money at a Gamestop for their products, that I’m contributing to costing someone their job if I don’t raise their pre-sale / reserve / credit…
...go crazy?
Shop contest opportunity.
Someone got rekt.
Looks to be more well off than the others.
Nailed it.
I gave you a worthless grey star of my own.
This sorely needs to be done for the ‘never stay dead’ Marvel characters.
Cry until you realized he never died.
9. Every single time I try to make a simple purchase, and the Game Advisor tries to shove a pre-order list binder under my face. (Gamestop)
You win the shop contest.
Fahtaku is here!
I’m going to forgive all these because this is one of the best series ever made. I thought 3 had some cracks, but everything was still enjoyable.
The worlds largest country can’t make an original console that can compete in the worldwide market? China has so much potential to DO something here, but nope.
We’re sending you over to their dev team right away.
I approve of this. I hope there’s more surprises.