
Shop contest.

Aki returns.

^ Winner.

He's really let himself go!

I tried to save Flint, once.

I don't have a PS3. :<

Every time I watch the short, there are things I miss..

Honestly, I do like FFX and support the re-release. This just came to mind immediately. XD


Congratulations. You have been awarded one billion points.

This needs to be kept.

One billion points if you know where this is from.

As a FFVI fan, I would like to believe that I am under greater suffering.

I would seriously buy the tape. I don't know why.

What is Tron Bonne doing in this game? D:

Send the Kotaku T-Shirt!*

You need to add This War of Mine.

You made a winner. This is seriously a memorable game. I'm hoping this game gets a sequel someday, and some recognition from the gaming press.