
Special recognition to the adorable animation kirby does when he’s tuckered out, as well as the unmatched satisfaction of snagging the UFO power up.

Jason, based on your career covering the industry and the research that went into the book...what do you think needs to happen to put the industry on a more sustainable path?

Off-topic, but Stephen, am I correct in noticing that this is the first time in recent memory that Kotaku stories have included photos that don’t span the width of the article? I first noticed it with the new review format, but looking at this article, I definitely have the feeling that something is different.

I’m a lower bucks native. We’ve always been a little trashy, but seriously what the fuck is going in bucks county?

Janet’s great and all, but if only Chad knew it was him I wanted this whole time...

I used my Switch in tabletop mode for the first time recently and quickly lamented the lack of volume controls from the quick settings. Glad to see they’ve addressed it!

How do you get direct footage at E3? Is there a special press-only demo area? Do they let you fiddle with the monitor?

This tempts me to double dip more than the Moneysaver coupon for the Dairy Queen, I tell you what

Now playing

“But there was one other clock John B. McLemore worked on. And this one...hid a big secret.”

Wow, BOTH Mystical Ninjas?

I think the time is finally right for Keto to get his due. I know he’s called the “Grandfather of Stealth Open World Party Racing Clicker Roguelike Minecraft Clones” in really hardcore circles, but he had a style that I think would resonate with a wider audience now. Would we even have Let’s Plays without him?

Kirby’s Dream Course should be included just so more people can be exposed to the cute little sigh Kirby releases when he’s tuckered out at the beginning of a turn. The li’l guy.

Property Bro. 1: I DON’T NEIGH!

Wow, they’re really upping the ante on that classic “Bioware Twist”

As that clip opens, she looks like she’s seconds away from dropping some late-’60s American Housewife insight on Kevin Arnold.

I miss the music, and I know you touched on this, but aren’t those sounds satisfying?

That Salarian looks a little like...Salieri

Stephen, you’re a new father. C for both Rhythm and Set Down?

You can’t buy classic LucasArts games legally (only used which still gives LA not a dime), they don’t want to do official remakes so let people make them for free. It’s almost/over 30 years by now. What money they literally lose with this fan remake?

This cute story about Final Fantasy XV, a video game adaptation of Alfonso Cuaron’s classic Y Tu Mama Tambien and not upcoming Switch title Zelda: Breath of the Wild, really struck a chord with me.