Maybe he’s a really big fan of Camus.
Maybe he’s a really big fan of Camus.
A sock was my first (and only, come to think of it) case for my 3DS.
Based on your enjoyment of The Audacity of Hope,
How did he forget Moses and Sandy Koufax?
Speaking of the map, why is it so ugly?
Ugh, that manner of pulling and pushing the hand just...bothers me so much and yet makes perfect sense with everything else that is Donald Trump.
It wasn’t the first Zelda game that I played (though it was the first 2D I played, so hmm), but few games can match the glee I feel when I play Link’s Awakening. From the cutscenes to the photographs to the music and the goofiness, it feels to me like the most confident Zelda game in terms of tone—Zelda has always…
‘This will be the last time you surf for eight years.’ For the next eight years he didn’t have the chance to surf, enjoy watersports or do many of the things he loved.”
1) Will the kotaku crew be at Pax East this year?
Only listening if each episode references failed Courtney Cox series Dirt.
A few weeks ago, I saw The Handmaiden on a Thursday night in a theater that happens to be below ground. There were about six people seeing the movie: three lone guys, an old man who fell asleep about halfway through, a female couple, and myself, who sat in the back because that’s generally where I sit.
You laugh, but suddenly it’s 2018 and this is the test as to whether or not you can stay in the United States of Patriotic Devotion.
Just shift the Vita library to the Switch and I’ll be happy, since I can forever win in my stubbornness to never buy another Vita memory card.
This looks great, like a continuation of the fun-but-quirky games Nintendo frequently snuck onto the 3DS e-shop.
The first thing you notice about the Switch, Nintendo’s sleek new portable console, is how small the controllers are. Each JoyCon (lol) is roughly four inches, or about the size of a Kotaku news editor’s palm. Compared to, say, the Wiimote, they’re downright tiny.
Agreed, “download and play” is pretty vague, and I think that if the games disappear it’ll be that “Oh, Nintendo” moment of just...not...quite getting it.
I freaked out to Jason on twitter about this, but:
Jason we’re not two weeks into 2017 and you’re already canceling games, when will the tyranny stop
Every moment is brilliant. When I play it, I feel like I’m Salieri listening to Mozart.
This past March, I ate at a Popeye’s in the Korean DMZ with Kate and Rooney Mara’s cousin. Said they were nice.