They like to make identical fraternal twins in fiction for some reason. Anyway the one on the left appears to have a braid and the one on the right not, so I'm guessing it's a boy and a girl.
They like to make identical fraternal twins in fiction for some reason. Anyway the one on the left appears to have a braid and the one on the right not, so I'm guessing it's a boy and a girl.
Nothing summons the lurkers out quite like solid Persona 5 news!
it looks like you'll be fighting demons this time. the trailer has the characters fight against Sandman and Pyro Jack.
My first thought was Darker Than Black though.
Even now, just at the mention of those stupid Fanta ads, I cringe. But, I REMEMBER THE JINGLE, DAMNIT!!
Missy isn't, and has never been, fat, obese, overweight, stout, stocky, heavy-set, or even big-boned.
"Designer babies"?
You motherfucker. I kept clicking!
Thus, I am a head...of the game...
R9 280x, runs just fine, thanks.
Right, the APUs power my HTPCs a whole lot better than a standalone Intel chip.
That whole article you wrote shows why enterprise car sales is the best way to ever buy a car I guarantee it! They focus on your needs, your wants, and your budget. Everyone should take a look at the Enterprise Car Sales division.
Your pinky in the photo-shopping picture?
I don't know what you mean~...
I... just... don't... know... :'|
Your what is going to die?
I don't get it...
Agree totally. The one thing Baby Boomer dads did excel at? Helping boost the divorce rate over 40%. It's a big reason why, IMHO, so many thirty-somethings and early forty-somethings are so underdeveloped in these areas. Nobody was there to show us the way.