
Hi Justin! You'll see stories like this sprinkled throughout, while I'm working on larger features, such as this one that went up on Friday. I'm currently working on another feature that, if everything goes according to plan, will be up sometime tomorrow. It's no different than when I was posting news or trailers on


Me: Fuck this shit, I'm climbing onto a roof and staying there...da faq is that? Parkour Zombies?

And I thought running zombies were scary...Parkour zombies are the worst!

As opposed to a guy running around with a GoPro in his mouth?

There's no such thing as "inappropriate times" in Metal Gear.

The link is fixed, but I shall treasure this sentence until my dying day.

Chopper Photo Bomb! Incorrectly links to Arno's nuts.

"Sorry. I am here to tell you about giant Pac-Man mazes, not narrate beer commercials with the worst slogans ever."

Man, I'm really bummed that this is all for just a Bud Light commercial (ugh, that beer is so flavorless) and not some type of art event. It would have been a nice excuse to visit LA.

It's pretty black & white & not up to interpretation... He gets an applause when he reaches the HOF screen but in order to get to the HOF (normally) you need all badges and beating the elite 4.

That's why there are multiple categories of speed runs for almost every game. A surprising number of games can be beaten in 5 minutes or less due to either Out of Bounds glitching or buffer over/underflow glitching allowing you to essentially code whatever result you want into a game.

You didn't make it clear what your point of contention was. He assumed you were upset over the 'validity' of the speedrun, and not over the semantics of of 'beating'.

Proper speed runs of RPGs are really not that exciting. Now platformers are a different story.

Kmart, of all places, has some seriously impressive sales right now, at least on current-gen console titles.

Hearts R has all of your favorite puns.

You seem fun :)

It took me 2 years to finish San Andreas. That's not a typo. There was a mission, the damn RC plane, that took me forever to clear.

For what it's worth I'm underemployed and I've been married to a Pharmacist for 13 years. Your spouse's job is not a definition of your success. By similar narrative, having a great job is not an end-all requirement to getting a woman... Being confident is your best bet to getting your foot in the door.