
The second season is a bit of a mixed bag. Urobuchi's lighter involvement really comes through, I think.

It's not all bad, and it has some genuinely clever bits in it, but overall it felt kind of...scattered and not as coherent as the first season did. Of course, having half the number of episodes probably didn't help;

They were talking with the developers, Dan Paladin and William Andrew Stamper aka Synj and Stamper. Stamper is hilarious and if you were listening he was the voice of BattleBlock Theater. He was totally giving Dan a hard time :D

Fairfax is just a collection of subdivisions full of people looking to ignore their neighbors as much as humanly possible. The fact that so few turn out in protest is not surprising, but also fairly depressing.

It was pretty sketchy when everyone saw the random rolling screen before the chat was loaded, but when they gave the Standing Ovation that was a special moment. Great to see this is going to cancer research as well. Twitch is good people. Good nerdy people. (who read Kotaku)

Thought this was interesting...

He also got kicked out of Saudi Arabia for being too pretty.

The phrase "hundreds of years old" is not an appositive clause. It is an adjectival phrase directly modifying seed, so should not be set off by commas. The only thing worse than commenting on grammar is commenting on grammar and being wrong about it.

As Skyrim dong mods go, this is surprisingly tasteful and restrained!

lol reminds me of attack on titan for some reason lol

This is not the first thing they do....

That is a pretty blurry gif, upgrading to webm would be advised.

although i havent seen much anime this year, (and actually i think it came out last year cause i bookmark these pages when i want to find anime to watch lol) but Valrave the liberator was a rough ride and probably the roughest one ive ever had.

So mute it? If you don't like silence, play your own music to it.

Yeah, because video games are serious stuff.

Dont take it serious then just take it for what it is, an enjoyable 3min of amazing stunts in GTA V.

There's a slim chance they might have thought of that. Long shot but maybe their strategic planners are as smart as commentors here...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you have no idea what you're talking about. Like, what the word "budget" actually means in the context of a game. You don't just throw money at something and poof, it turns out better. The (development) budget of a game is spent almost exclusively on man-hours. So the fact that

Let's be blunt, here. People explode in a shower of gore or otherwise die in terribly violent ways in pretty much every episode of Psycho Pass 2—often in large numbers. There is also more than a bit of body mutilation and physical torture, both implied and plain for all to see. Then, there's all the psychological

Excuuuuuse me, princess.