
It's not exactly like that. The ending of To Kill a Mockingbird is the conceit. The ending of Chinatown is the conceit. The ending of Casablanca is the conceit. The ending of Jaws, of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, of Charade, of Apocalypse Now, of The Conversation, of The Godfather.

Yesterday it was "Kotaku's biased against Sony!" comments. Now it's "Kotaku's biased against Microsoft!" comments.

Grandia and Grandia 2 are classics. I've hardly met anyone who has played either one, let alone both, but I shall forever treasure my childhood memories of playing one on the playstation and two on dreamcast. Yes you heard that right, THE DREAMCAST, not the Ps2 or the pc, DREAMCAST.

I'm from Ohio, fuckhead. I've had Skyline Chili roughly three dozen times in my life.I've had Gold Star at least 50.

"I've never heard of Deadspin so that tells you a lot," said the debate team dropout.

Hey. If you make comments about boobs, or fapping, or anything else of a similar nature, I'm going to remove your comment. If it's bad, or I catch you doing it again, I'm going to ban your account.

I REALLY hope they decide to release the game with both english and Japanese soundtack in the West for once, with the options for subtitles.

Got to love the fact that the "Target" in that mission is the host of the Tokyo Game Show

Oh god, I love these kind of articles. *Eagerly awaits Archronos, DocSeuss and Jon Snow*

What? Who are you? Oh, I see. Look, I'm waaay too far out of my league to be talking about gender-related things, but since you asked...Eh...


Yes, that's exactly right. If you're working at a restaurant, or staging a showoffy romantic dinner, then yeah, do the wooden bowl thing. Otherwise, just use a friggin' blender.

I make a damn good Caesar salad, and I do it one ingredient at a time in a wooden bowl. Because, that's how I learned to make it and feel most comfortable that I can get a good, consistent result that way.

Dress shirts should be tucked. Tucking in a t-shirt should be punishable by death.

You are Satan. Miracle Whip is atrocious.

Here's the recipe that I've used with tremendous success over the years: