not until instant monitors are invented, along with instant keyboards, instant mice, instant surge protectors, instant switches, and instant network cable.

OMG, I've never geeked out over a parent product this hard. That this is freaking awesome. How awesome? I actually just told my wife I think it's worth the money.

Amen to that. This is just a prime example of the Apple-goggles in full effect, even on those who pride themselves on being technologically versed across all brands, platforms, etc.

overly complicated explanations aside, these guys are pretty pristine examples of hipsters. How you feel about hipsters is up to you, but it doesn't change the fact that's what they are.

You know what's even more incredible? His Mortons steak was delivered by Mark Zuckerberg.

Notice the big hollow space in the center for the truckloads of cash and gold they're going to dump in there. I can see Steve swimming in a sea of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck, but then when the other employees try to dive in, they just hit it like a wall of bricks like Hewey Dewey and Louie.

Of course they won't stop supplying. The only situation in which Samsung would stop suppplying Apple is if the effect of Apple's legal injunctions on Samsung consumer products fiscally became greater then the amount Samsung makes on selling parts to Apple. Last time I checked, the Galaxy Tab is not exactly Samsung's

Even in this used car market, it really depends. The deciding factor are IF you can get a new car with promotional financing.

It would be safe to assume that if he had enough vision of the target to shoot him in the stomach, you could probably tell where the person was shot, and if they were moving or not.

It took Gizmodo 5 seconds to load on my core i5 2500k overclocked SSD equipped machine. I'd say I get the "worst day of all" prize.

IMO that's exactly what they did with the 3G.

I can point you in the right direction for some websites where you can see lots of blondes asses, naked even, and sometimes with things going in (sometimes out, if that's your thing).

They should put more energy in trying to make their songs not sound exactly like the last one, instead of relying on the momentum of their viral videos to keep people interested.

Who's that actor? I've seen him multiple times selling products at my local Costco, no joke. ( I live in Los Angeles)

The different is she just used the camera and hardware to produce that shot. Your example was run through a 2 dollar app w/ a few filters that would make any half-assed picture look incrementally more "artistic".

I didn't realize Bruno was an inventor.

Pogoplug would be an alternative for those troubled by the ToS. Consider it your own personal Dropbox. Get a hard drive, get a pogoplug. Attach to your home internet, install pogoplug software on computers you wish to access file too, and you're done. Kinda. The syncinc is not as seamless and fast as Dropbox, since it

Seriously, no exaggeration , my 2 year old navigates my phone just fine, and he can't even form cohesive sentences yet. Your friend must be an idiot savant nerd, where he can code facebook from scratch in 8 hours, but doesn't know which shoe goes on which foot (and apparently know how to use an Android phone)

wtf is this crap, it's been running for 5 minutes and it's clearly notas

unless you're me who thought myspace was lame when it was popular, and thinks facebook is lame now, and thinks twitter is doubley lame, and AHASgasdrjasr;okdsjrar /wrist *emo wuss is now dead*