Tried that, and it's a pretty poor solution especially in the context of what all these headsets are, which is for gaming + voip. Problem with Bluetooth is the limited bandwidth available. If you try and support any half-decent quality bitrate music or gaming audio, then try and do voip simultaneously, both will

These "Myth buster" articles themselves I find quite misleading. The article words the myth being "busted" in such an absolute mannner, of course it's going to be technically false because there are rarely any absolutes at all when dealing with any subject matter.

If a photo can't stand alone on the merits of it's content and composition, then adding a filter isn't the answer. Problem with Instagram is that it retrohipify's generally horrible and boring photos, so people dwell on the filter itself rather then anything actually related to the photo.

Agree. But at the same time, that's probably a prime reason why it took off specifically on iPhone. That's a good chunk of the demographic. (not 12 year old girls, specifically, but the mindset that these retro, heavily filtered pictures add hip-retro-epicness to everything).

Last time I checked, Kickstarter takes 5%.

This is my observation with tablets in general.

how do you know it's just not all potatos and tobacco?

haven't you heard, earth = america ;p


That's how I understand it as well. I've seen short pieces on TV regarding Dubai's growth (physically speaking, with all this construction), and it seems as though it's an artificial front to meet non-existent demand.

that's about right. What happened to the days of "Hackers" when you would change someone's personal phone number and list it on a gay sex ad, or change peoples criminal record so they have 1000 unpaid parking tickets.

1080i aka 540p ;P

I find this more of an issue of semantics. We live in a time where internet and computer access is so crucial, there are large scale efforts to bring it to people who don't even have running water and electricity. (see OLPC).

"People enjoy grand openings"

You should be excited. Did you know Wegman's has one of the most stringent qualifying processes in business regarding building a new location? They have pretty high standards regarding the local demographic, income average, future property values, basically any metric worth measuring that tells you the worth of an

Let's get more specific then, these people may not be general idiots, but they most certainly are brand/tech idiots. People wonder why there's such a strong reaction against Apple fans. This is why. Any time there's zealotry beyond normal reason, you will get a strong push back from the rest of "us". Whether it be

Maybe the Choose your own Adventure took it from there, but I'm sure it was a Choose your own adventure book, because I distinctly remember backtracking to get to a "happy" ending.

I know this is a weird reference, but I remember reading a "Choose your own adventure" book as a kid, and it was an adventure in space w/ aliens. One of the endings took you to a page where the human race was extinct, and the aliens had put up a museum with our "artificats". In one of the displays was a mock up of a

Says the guy that runs a blog showing you how to break encrypted wifi passwords. ;)

I think i see what happened in your scenario. You let a dog do the testing.