Unless you're on a beach cruiser going 3mph, you can't really use a seat without a nose at all like all the ones you posted (except the Adamo). There's a lot of subtle, but very important balance and control that your legs and thighs exert on to the nose of your saddle, at least in my experience.

You know what's funny, everyone know's that HTML5 is what's supposed to take over Flash, at least the video and UI side of things. I've embraced all the pros and cons of Flash, everything that's being said about it, and trying to come to my own conclusion. And you know what I've discovered? That overall, it's just

Not sure if you've noticed, but Gizmodo is no longer a blog about technology, nor do the comments pertain to anything tech related.

With all the comments on his choice of hands-not-free device, I'm surprised noone is blasting his man-uggs who have been further douchified with zippers that have been douchified to the 3rd degree by keeping them unzipped.

I think you're taking the statement out of context. It seems to me that the author of the article was simply stating that, in the current state of the internet ecosystem, there are several key components (your browser, internet connected apps, social, and identity).

I don't get the media. Google+, as low key as it is for now, is one of the biggest revelations to come out of anything internet related the entire year. They're basically attempting to redefine what true social networking is, not just in the context of social networking online. Yet, on the homepage, it's relegated to

Never understood this "tip". What's the point of working from home and dressing for the office? Generally speaking, a lot of the suggestions to this point deal more with an individual's discipline, or lack thereof. If you can't work the same in shorts as you do in khaki's, you might want to tackle the actual issue,

To be devil's advocate here, just want to point out it takes 2 to tango. The stupid cop wouldn't have pushed them over with his shield if they DIDNT SHOW UP TO A HOCKEY RIOT!

This is hilarious. "Let's pit the iPad's display vs a bunch of other display's that are either older or in cheaper tablets!".

That thing scares me for some reason.

It's not about people "Chilling Out". The whole issue about movie theater etiquette is just indicative of our sensibilities of just simple consideration of others around us. It's a concept lost, specifically in America.

Don't worry, you guys aren't in direct competition because Giz isn't a tech blog anymore... ZING!

a kamehameha wave is created

Have you compared benchmarks between a Core 2 Duo and and a Core i7?

I think people are talking out of their asses when they complain about Android apps on tablets. First, the obligatory qualification statement: I OWN BOTH AN IPAD AND THE ASUS TRANSFORMER.

Been while since I laughed out loud to a Gizmodo article just by reading the title.

I don't use a bluetooth headset. I hold my phone up to my ear because of all the things I use my phone for, calls are at the bottom of the list. In the car, I get by on speakerphone. If you're an Android user, then you know how amazing the built in Android speech-to-text engine is, which actually enables me to text

While I'm not a big proponent of the internet e-nlightened constantly shitting on people's religious parades (regardless of how ridiculous it may seem), I actually had a laugh at this.

I have to agree w/ the general sentiment of Keller, mostly because it's somewhat in line with what I've self-realized through being in the "internet-generation" from BBS to AOL 1.0, through web 2.0 and the social web.