11) Magazines.

Yomama been Clubbin?

I'm embarrassingly going to exclaim my proficiency of flying a chopper in BF2 with a mouse and keyboard after months of practice. I can literally fly circles around you, but that's about all.

If you want to turn your shower into a power washer, all you need is Oxygenics

porn /= sex.

Generally speaking, there are always levels of permissions and security to use in situations like this where you don't hand over complete control to a non-equity controlling member of a project.

Actually the only thing this proves is that there's sufficient doubt to not charge him with speeding, but it does not prove that he wasnt.

Jibberish? I thought my comment was pretty sensical, whereas you're referencing anal intrusion. Who's jibberish ;P

@ 9 seconds, this is how I imagine what it would look like if the Justice League actually existed.

Sometimes I just wish all the companys Apple has offended just pull their products outside of Apple's eco system.

Kind of reminds me of my first "Expensive" pair of shoes (100'ish range). I was so excited about it in middle school...

So you'd rather have nebulous ad's for baby cribs constantly popping up?

Judging from the bokeh, shape, was that picture taken with the nifty fifty?

I don't understand the market for this. On paper (and in video) it seems really cool, but what kind of person knows how to make their own site from "scratch" (assumed from a zip file that probably contains images, html files, maybe even css, etc.), but then doesn't know the 10 seconds it takes to FTP up to their (much

It's not the same thing. What you're speaking of is more of a cautionary warning. Basically giving advice or an "FYI".

What part of Micro SD slot is being confused here? 16GB internal + 32GB SD card = 48gb... but wait, there's more! memory slot can.. *gasp*.. be swapped out = infinite storage.

Excellent advice, and one I've always done myself. Not so much for personal enrichment or goal setting, but because I have learned that all employers will always be looking out for themselves, no matter how chummy you think you are with them. When it comes down to it, you are expendable.

I'm not saying there's deals to be had for many people that are actually in context of what you do and/or need. But generally speaking, this is not the norm for the 2 most named sites in this thread, which is Groupon and Woot. The vast majority of what is available, and what people purchase, are still impulsive

If you're looking for easy-without-thought, I don't think you can do better then Apple.