@Ignignokt: For every tech blogger that uses a Mac (as many of them as there are), there are thousands of computer engineers working in fortune 500 tech companies not using one. Sooo...... if the validity of a product is directly tied to the absolute usership numbers and their credentials.. .Mac would still lose. Not

A cheaper, easier, faster and all around better solution would to be to just buy the remote made for your DSLR, generally found online between 15-30 bucks.

@zevulon: The video he posted is the original by almost 3 years. In our internet generation, that actually translates to about 20 years. So the fact that the group in this article basically copied the idea this far down the road hoping people would mistake it as original makes the original a better video.

This solution seems clunky. Being an iPad owner and Android phone owner, I'm quite disappointed at the limited (free) options of torrent management apps on iOS.

"Hey baby, it's just you... and me.. in a plane... I <3 you... will you marry me?"

China has the man-power to do this.. in fact... there's already a new company renting out traffic jam sitters to the traffic jam sitters.

I'm 31 with a kickass 21 month old, wife, and make a decent living in West LA self-employed even though my wife doesn't work (stay at home mom)... yet I'd kill for this opportunity. I guess there's no room in this for a guy looking to follow a passion, but still has responsibilities? :\

@McMike: yes! best jet evarrrr...

@nick.v: If it is, I'm sure spelling "paid" correctly is a prerequisite ;)

@ps61318: Socket 7 is absolutely 100% right.

@jackslackofselfrespect: A fellow pioneer ;). I've been selling this idea to my friends for the past 2 years as the future. A system where the computing power is in the smallest form (phone), and powers a range of devices moving up (laptop/desktop, etc.).

@isights: tell that to the gajillions of people using iPads, netbooks, and soon to be Android tablets.

@geolemon: I used LA as an example, but we have users on AT&T from Canada, down to Brazil, and Europe (Austria specifically). Of those 2000'ish users, only about 200 are localized in LA, the rest are spread around. So I wasn't speaking specifically about LA.

@FriarNurgle: I've been with Verizon on and off for about 13 years now. Here's the thing with Verizon, I agreed to a monthly plan, and that's what they charge me. The service works, works well, and works everywhere.

@geolemon: It's not just iPhone owners, it's just that the bulk of the "noisy" crowd are iPhone owners, which is not coincidence.

@verditsgerman: yeah, I understand that as well. I guess I'm just in that weird techie traditionalist group where I love love cutting edge tech, but don't put emphasis on having to constantly multitask ALL the time (and other idiosyncrasies that come associated with tech). I'm a big proponnent of the general

@rev02: "oh wait, I already have your number because we're talking on the phone RIGHT NOW.. I'll send it to you after we're done talking instead of making you wait on the line like a jerk while I fumble around on my phone"

@gthing: I guess my sarcasm didn't come across as I was just poking fun at the mandatory Apple owners product life cycle bitterness. I realize the OP specifically mentioned a 2 month wait period. :p

10:05am: Verizon CEO comes on stage "Today is a great day, Verizon now has the iPhone"

@pj_rage: Actually I do. My personal phone is a Motorola Droid 1, and my work phone is a Blackberry bold on AT&T (along with about 2000 other users at my job in the US).