
Especially since Starship exists and is farther along in testing.

Yeah, but they put a piece of tape over the straw to make it legal.

Shoot, you’re right. When I fixed my grammar I broke the math. The intention was:

People who were her age when she started politics were in their 20's during the US Civil War.

Radio waves in the 10kHz to 10GHz range lack the necessary energy to cause ionizing radiation (the type that damages cells and DNA and can cause cancer), so the risk is all in the heating they can do.

I can do one better. At the racetracks I instruct at we’ve had to include a reminder to remove weapons from cars that are going on track as part of the drivers meeting. I live in Texas.

Slander is not protected speech and policemen are not lawyers and are under no obligation to know the law (there’s a supreme court ruling on that, they also don’t have a legal responsibility to render aid or help you). Slander is a civil matter though, so the cops can’t help with that (you’d need a lawyer to send a

Or, if you didn’t have a gun you could just save the hundreds of dollars of the cost of the gun. I’ve lived in some pretty rough areas and got by just fine without a gun. I figure I could get robbed 3-5 times before I’d lose as much as the cost of the gun, and I don’t have to deal with the legal and moral quagmires

As a 36 year old grandmother, she should know better.

I’m only a couple of episodes into the live action show, but the Luffy actor’s inability to make a normal human smile is already creeping me out. Having that frozen in the doll makes it even more glaring. It seems like they picked someone with a horrendously tragic life who has never known the childlike wonder, glee,

The tweet was a picture of the submitted report with the corrective measures and mediations listed. I wouldn’t trust a tweet of his if it was just him saying they took care of it, but in this case he showed his work.

Musk is a child and I’m sure that’s why it launched that day; however, the initial indications were that the special high strength concrete they used for the pad would handle a single launch with only moderate damage. The pad failed catastrophically. The analysis indicated that an early stress fracture allowed the

Mars’ atmosphere is about 2% molecular nitrogen. It might be a bit of a hassle, but the option is there. Everything you eat is going to have some nitrogen in it too. Mars colonies won’t be self-sufficient for a very long time, and everything sent to Mars will either need to be sent in a pressurized vessel that could

Since the nitrogen in air is inert, it isn’t consumed when breathed. Aside form minor losses, there shouldn’t be a need for more than you start with. Currently, carbon dioxide is just scrubbed from spacecraft (absorbed in a chemical process). Oxygen is useful as the oxidizer part of rocket propellent, powering fuel

They became obvious after the test launch. That and they did implement a number of changes in the following booster that was already under construction. The rocket that blew up was outdated before it launched and a “kinetic disposal” could (and possibly did) yield invaluable data for future launches. If they hadn’t

It depends on just how many of the corrective measures have been remedied. SpaceX has been making changes incredibly quickly and most of the issues were very obvious. 

They’ve stacked the next one and looking to get a flight in by the end of the month.

I also like how we’ve got literally billions to spend on ‘border security’ but no money to pay for schools or teachers.

As a Texas resident, I’ve hated this scheme since Abbot floated it. The presumption was that the extra load would incentivize power companies to increase production to provide head room. However, population growth and power consumption was already going up and power companies are under no obligation to increase power

As it stands for the foreseeable future, only materials useable in space are worth mining in space (gaining value by avoiding launch costs). Drinking water isn’t a huge commodity unless you’re growing your own food since the majority of fluids can be recollected and reused (the ISS currently gets very little water