
The point with that comment I was trying to make was that the pieces will be very small, which greatly lowers their terminal velocity, so many of the pieces that don’t burn up only survive because they slow down so much that they are inconsequential.

Who doesn’t dispose of their old car batteries by chucking them in the ocean? How else will we recharge all the electric eels?

Hospitals and schools make up a very tiny fraction of the Earth’s surface. Here’s a picture of the ISS’s flight path

There was a cube sat that accompanied the craft (LEIA): wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LICIACube#:~:text=After%20the%20launch%2C%20the%20Cubesat,DART%2C%2015%20days%20before%20impact.

Now playing

NASA has a long and storied history of working with Nazis to get to the Moon. It’s how we did it the first time around.

Cherry blossom red is a warrior’s color in Japan. The ephemeral and short lived nature of the blossoms represent the fleeting lives of the valiant warriors who do not fear their inevitable and impending deaths.

That’s why up north all the water, sewage, and natural gas lines are all above ground too...

Aside from places like Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and huge swaths of the South.

It gets worse. He has a black “son” who he never formally/legally adopted (kidnapped). I don’t think he can be charged though, since the statute of limitations has passed.

The Rivian has very strong self-braking. I rode in my brothers last week and when he showed me the regenerative braking and one foot driving I thought that he’d pressed the brake a bit hard when all he did was lift off the gas. The Rivian would go all the way to a stop with one foot driving, so I could see someone

Any man claiming to be 5'11" is at most 5'9". Men who are between 5'10" and 5'11" all claim 6'.

364hp and 3200lbs is a fast car (maybe too fast), the problem is that you’re looking at a $60k+ halo car that won’t sell (and/or won’t get built because the forecast says it won’t sell).

My 2022 BRZ weighs 2700lbs before I get in it (50lbs more than my old 2014 BRZ).

The FD killed the RX7 because it was too expensive and became too much of a GT car. An overly complex GT car concept doesn’t sound like a winner to me. Clout chasers aren’t going to want to drive a Mazda, and Mazda enthusiasts are coming from Miatas. 3200lbs doesn’t sound too heavy until you compare it to a 2200lb

The asteroid was partially named after the Stargate TV show villain.

That would be NACA, and it died.

Sounds like they might have stripped some of the bolts. The extra material may have intruded into the bolt threads, binding the threads. Everything is being done inside a glovebox, so getting a breaker bar in there (or a torch) would be an issue (and they obviously don’t want to give it a quick spray of penetrating

The EPA wasn’t responsible for the CAFE standards, those were championed by George W. Bush. The asinine formula should have been changed decades ago, but the lobbyists’ success combined with Congress’ chronic inability to legislate have left us and the EPA with the nearly useless standards.

You can add in Armageddon, since Bennu is a near Earth potentially hazardous asteroid. It isn’t big enough to destroy the planet or kill everyone on it, but it would mess up whatever country it hit with about a 1200 megaton explosion (or about 100,000 times the Hiroshima bomb). Scientists are all but certain that it

Cordless phones were widely available then, but it is strange to have one in the bathroom.