
I guess we’ll have to be on the lookout for Abortion Catcher gangs roving the northern abortion providing states to return preggers back to the plantations.

The SMBH’s (super massive black holes) are too large to form and grow like that (that’s the distinction between them and ‘normal’ black holes). The big question surrounding them is whether they form early/first to cause galaxies to form around them, or if they form in the center of galaxies as a result of the

I added in return trip times. In the past we’ve tried to ensure that none of the crewed missions were one way. I should have done a better job indicating round trip times, apologies.

20 years after we decided to go back to the Moon, we still haven’t made it back to the Moon. A trip to the Moon takes 6-9 days and a trip to Mars takes 6-9 months (launch windows to Mars are fewer and farther apart too).

Maybe the compromise would be to simply declare that the military installations are federal enclaves and that regardless of the surrounding state’s laws abortion is legal and provide as part of standard military healthcare. Then none of the soldiers or their partners would have to travel.

There is no ‘driver shortage’, there’s an issue with retention. Trucking companies continue to underpay and overwork their employees, along with going to an owner-operator model that puts the financial risks and liabilities on the drivers instead of the trucking companies (that have through mergers, regionalization,

We had gas supply issues here in Texas a few years back due to hurricanes, and a couple of years ago we had week long outages due to snow. The EV owners generally came out better than most gas car owners since they could recharge whenever the power came back, but with the gas stations you had to hope that they had

That’d only be a fair comparison if the kids built the car and the driveway, oh and the car was 10x cheaper and twice as powerful as any other car ever built

The Falcon Heavy uses 27 engines and it works just fine.

The testing areas were originally chosen because they were remote and not nearby any economically important areas. The answer is to simply move the testing sites, not disallow the wind turbines.

Musk does own the James Bond Lotus Submarine car...

But, healthcare is type of commerce (unfortunately), so Idaho is trying to pass a law that limits interstate commerce. 

Mitch is definitely a species of tortoise.

That’s one of the big pitfalls of nostalgia/venerating the past. The past was terrible, that’s why we changed things. There’s a reason they “don’t build them like they used to”. If you’re entire political identity revolves around trying to “bring back the good’ol days”, you cannot allow yourself to learn about how

About $30 million, that’s an average salary of $600,000 for 50 years.

Rocket lab is only one generation behind SpaceX while the other competitors are 2. Starship is farther along in development than Neutron and is a huge leap in all meaningful metrics. Even if it has half the claimed performance and is 10 times the cost, Starship will still be the cheapest and most capable rocket in the

The type of measurements they took work better when the planet is closer to its host star and the bigger the planet the better. b is the closest and largest (possibly second largest, but it is within measurement error with “g”.

The archive scanned books they bought.

I went through and read a few of the linked articles. Paltrow claims the old guy hit her and they did both get entangled. Utah gives the right of way to the downhill skier and Paltrow and her group claim she was in the downhill position while the claimant says he was downhill.

Turning around while skiing is pretty hard though. Typically when skiing in a group you have an experienced skier bringing up the rear to help anyone who falls. It is also strange that this guy was hit hard enough to get seriously injured, but Paltrow wasn’t also knocked down.