
I’ve challenged superiors when they’ve been wrong on behalf of my colleagues and students at great professional risk. Doctors take an oath and are duty bound to serve their patients. When a doctor turns away a patient in a life-threatening situation because of the chance of legal trouble they’ve chosen their comfort

You’re missing a “could” which is really a “wouldn’t” because these laws are meant to punish and demean people without means and not Doctors and the Healthcare industry.

The doctors refusing to preform the procedures are cowards and should be sued for medical malpractice.

She should sue the doctor for malpractice. The only way to enact change is to get giant corporations to stir up shit. The only thing doctors fear more than legislation and looking good at the country club is malpractice insurance rate hikes.

She should sue the doctor for malpractice. The only way to enact change is to get giant corporations to stir up shit. The only thing doctors fear more than legislation and looking good at the country club is malpractice insurance rate hikes.

Every teacher in my district (in Texas) is now required to scan and log all books so that they can be cataloged, inspected, and evaluated(?).

These people should spend more time actually reading books instead of letting rhetoric rile them up. Bradbury, Huxley, Orwell, and Atwood meant their works to be warnings, not prophesies or blueprints.

These people should spend more time actually reading books instead of letting rhetoric rile them up. Bradbury, Huxley, Orwell, and Atwood meant their works to be warnings, not prophesies or blueprints.

If conservatives needed to abolish the filibuster to pass anything, they’d do it without blinking.

American schools are only in session for 180 days per year, so 1.5 shootings for each day classes are in session.

Immigrants aren’t people to them. 

Some groups also require arm restraints for convertibles, they might be worth looking into while you’re doing everything else. I went with a BRZ instead of a Miata or S2K just so I didn’t have to deal with all the extra convertible safety rules.

The broomstick test is typically done with a helmet on, don’t forget to budget the extra 2 inches for a helmet.

The ND is far tighter than the RX8 and its chassis sharing sibling the NC. It gets even worse when you try to wear a helmet in it, and the passenger seat is both higher and more impinged than the driver seat. In my experience, the ND has the least room inside out of all the generations (the seats are also close enough

Links: this is from the US Energy Information Agency and is my source for the most recent US Nuclear reactor construction

The construction CO2 is less than 5% of the lifetime emissions, so if you were to double the construction CO2 (due to scaling the weight/size of the vehicle would have to go up substantially more than 2x to double CO2 usage), you’re still looking at less than 10% of the lifetime CO2 emissions. Yes, smaller vehicles

According to the Energy.gov website, cradle to grave carbon emission for BEV’s are half as much as the same ICE vehicle using the average US grid for charging. The carbon savings go up to about 90% with a renewable focused electricity sources.

There are 2 big problems with nuclear power: 1) It is no longer cost competitive with either wind or solar (1.5-2x the cost per unit of energy) and 2) Nuclear power plants take over a decade to build (there are 2 new reactors under construction in Georgia at an already established plant, construction began in 2013 and

I just bought a 2022 BRZ and having driven both it and the Supra at the track, I can say the BRZ is the better driver. The Supra is more cramped inside, harder to get into (the roofline dips down into the door for no reason), feels heavy, and lacks the driving feel of a sportscar. The Supra is a GT cruiser that

The extreme indifference part means you don’t have to have premeditation. The charge is for if there is premeditation or extreme indifference. A better defense lawyer, more sympathetic jury, or prosecutor with less ambition could have saved him from the mandatory minimums attached to the charges. This is the type of