
So, a while ago I had to send some money via a wire transfer, I was told under to uncertain terms that if I screwed up the transfer the money would be gone and it would be my fault and I’d have to send the money again. The whole process sucked and I was worried about it for the couple of hours it took to get

They only make shows about the ones they catch and the crimes they solve or at least figure out. 

That’s a good practice in theory; however, the battery isn’t a single object but rather thousands of cells working together, many individual cells can fail and the main battery will continue to work. The 12v batteries don’t have this functionality. The propulsion is really the motors, the main battery is the energy

It’s the opposite of redundancy since it imposes an additional single source failure mode. If only the main batter could be used (no 12v at all), then if the battery dies the car cannot be used. With the additional 12v system, if either dies then the car cannot be used.

Hopefully the local tracks have safety rules that will allow you to run your vehicle. Even if you’re not building towards a specific ruleset, there are track rules and safety requirements that could keep you from running.

You’d think he could have just used his guns to ensure his safety. I thought, “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Apparently, all the people afraid of ‘crimes’ should get yachts instead of guns. It might be more difficult to have ‘active boater’ drills at schools than active

The FA20 drops out of the twins with 4 bolts and a wiring plug, you’d be hard pressed to find a car that’s easier to work on. The only thing that the flat 4 makes more difficult is spark plugs, but even those can be done relatively easily as long as you have either small hands, or the right tools. If you don’t you can

I’d never fault anyone for getting a GT3, they’re amazing cars (I’ve driven the 996, 997, and 991 GT3 at the track). The sad truth is that nearly no one can outdrive even the most basic of cars. After years of practice and hundreds of days at the track, I can just barely reach the limits of what my BRZ can do (there’s

I think we’re agreeing to the same points. I have a friend with a 2014 Mustang GT, his car is 1s per mile faster on the track than my 2014 BRZ and we’ve got the same type of modifications, tires, and driver skill levels. The new BRZ should make up nearly all of that difference just based on the hp and torque

I instruct at the local race tracks, and thanks to Covid, the last year instead of coaching from the passenger seat of students’ cars I’ve been doing lead-follow instruction (where I drive my BRZ and the students drive behind me in their cars).

There is some overlap since the GTi and twins can both be considered “enthusiast cars”; however, FWD hot hatch and RWD light-weight sports car are pretty different.

The first 80% of charge can be done very quickly, so the idea for road trips in an EV is that you plan stops to fill up to 80% (current technology puts this at 20ish minutes depending on the exact vehicles and chargers).

It’d be unimaginable for local ordinances to require apartments to install chargers in the parking lots, or incentivize employers to supply charging at  work.

I’m an instructor at my local tracks and the CDI (Chief Driving Instructor) for my SCCA region’s Time Trial program. I do 30-40 trackdays a year with 5-6 local clubs. I recommend trackdays to all enthusiasts and anyone even remotely interested in cars.

If only there were some act of Congress to deal with voting rights, then maybe, just maybe free and fair elections would be the norm and the people would chose their representatives instead of the other way around.

The end of a river changes often, that’s how you get river deltas, and the source/origin of many rivers is often a nebulous watershed that converges from a large area coalescing into the river. Seldom does a river have a well defined source (there’s still conflict and debate over the source of the Nile).

What about a river? Rivers change course often and use different channels, the water in the river is continuously changing, and often rivers will dry up entirely and yet, almost universally no one considers any of these scenarios as different rivers.

Fair points. This is still an early prototype though, so we all need to keep that in mind that these are test articles and not final versions. The whole program is different than how we’re used to seeing tests of space vehicles.

SpaceX is landing and reusing its Falcon 9 boosters regularly, in fact it’s become so routine that one of the Falcon 9's not landing safely has become the exception. Blue Origin also has a suborbital hopper (New Shepard) that regularly lands and is reused (they plan on offering tourist rides in it). Rockets already

I hope we go with the same setup, our current rules aren’t especially onerous on the students (and they still have the choice for either in-person or remote learning). The main issue is that the teachers were told from the start that our options are to either accept whatever the admin decides, or we can find a new