
I recently came back from Japan and had the opportunity to try the clear Latte while I was there, you got that description down of it tasting “fake” perfectly. That and the fact that it tasted so diluted stopped me from having more than a sip.

Now this was a Call of Duty console done right

I work as a Best Buy sales associate in video games. Last December a lady walked in and was trying to pick between an Xbox One and PS4 for her son. I talked with her for 20 minutes or so telling her the pros and cons between the systems. She asked me which one I’d recommend and I asked her how old her son was. He was

Kingdom Farts

Now playing

Agreed. They came up with some really awesome music with that game. This in particular would probably be my favorite.

wtf is going on here?

Just so you know only the PS4 theme has the startup noise, the PS3 and Vita ones dont :(

Soon as I heard the music in the second game I put it down and went straight to the third.