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    I'm all over this idea. I think it's great and for certain tracks it shouldn't be a significant issue for the competitors. Heck, Europe is already racing semi-trucks. Just take one of those and put a passenger trailer on the back. It's TOTALLY possible.

    Welcome, Micki. I look forward to your analysis and experience here in the morning shift as well as with your other contributions.

    Well then, it looks like I'll be dusting off my plans for world domination and hauling out my nehru jackets. Pack your bags, Tosca, we're moving to Norway!

    I didn't mention canceling the Shuttle program. Yes, you are correct but a successor was announced at the same time by then President Bush. The Constellation/Orion program was canceled by President Obama leaving us with nothing.

    Indeed, I'd go for that!

    Yes there was and that is why they are flat black. That was the color of the ferrite paint used to diffuse the radar energy. Additionally, the entire leading edge of the wing was RAM.

    Well isn't that interesting...

    NASA's primary job is manned spaceflight (especially when they ignore the aeronautics portion of their name). We were the preeminent space fairing nation just a few years ago and now we are not. Since we spent so much building the ISS it would be wise for us to actually use it on our own terms.

    Shameful and sad. That pretty much describes NASA at the moment as well. How does our President expect to inspire young people to get into science and engineering when he cancels all the programs that would actually inspire and employ them?

    He even missed the apex on the last corner and was late getting on the throttle.

    If you did that to an xB it wouldn't take much effort at all. In fact you could save some trouble and just crush it thus enjoying its 2 dimensional status much easier.

    Well said and a good solution.

    This is what Elon will be know for. SpaceX is going places. That silly electric car company will only be a minor foot note. Cool info, Jason. I hadn't heard of OTRAG before. That is quite a saga. All I can say is... pfffft, Libyans.

    Congratulations, well done.

    Good point. It happens all the time (especially in Canada).

    Oh please enlighten me on how the modifications are so dangerous.

    You could have simply posted the "Kill it with fire" meme and everything would be cool. Instead you make an inane comment and accuse everyone of being argumentative.

    While I think the truck is ridiculous it should be their choice. Once again, government not performing its primary function...serve the people.

    Yeah, and you can wear the clothes that I pick out for you because I know what's best for you...

    Nukes have their own special issues and costs. Only carriers and subs are nuke powered. Diesel power is more cost effective on the smaller ships.