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    "They're cheap, but they're also dirty — producing that kind of alternative fuel spews a lot of carbon dioxide into the air. It's a last resort if ever there was one."

    It's more about replacing old ones and not making the force larger.

    Only aircraft carriers and subs are nuke powered.

    I'm thinking you hit the free drinks a little too much, Jason, but at least you're a funny drunk. Gelding is the perfect name and connotation for just about anything 4-door. You should have also suggested making the Fusion into a Comet. It would go great with the Mustanchero idea.

    Technically, it's the DeltaWing powered by Nissan because the power plant is the only thing that Nissan contributed to the project. I have little Orlove for the design but it will be interesting to see it run. Oh, and your linky is back to this same article [jalopnik.com] and not to the real DeltaWing article. Just

    Such awesome hardware. LMP just doesn't compare to Can-Am.

    Cool designs and great story. It is definitely a lot of work to start up a company but the rewards are worth it. I applaud your efforts and wish you the best of luck.

    Um, cough, WOW!

    You know it.

    YES!!! I like that idea (except for the broken leg part). We could also nab people off the streets and force them to learn.

    I say we counteract such nonsense by promoting manual transmissions. Specifically, Jalopnik should be promoting a "Teach someone how to drive a manual transmission week (or month)". We need to be spreading the Jalopness to as many as possible. I try to teach anyone that wants to learn.

    I love the desert in California and Arizona. This is kind of a neat little adventure.

    Congratulations, Matt. I look forward to seeing what you have planned. Ray will be missed.

    He left an indelible mark on automotive history by writing several chapters himself. The world has benefited from his life despite the other, many, silly things he did. We honor you, Sir.

    That is stupifyingly awesome even though I prefer handling to go with my horsepower.

    Going down in the North Sea is not a trivial thing. These guys are fortunate it turned out so well. Let's hear it for clever safety devices (the flotation bags) and competent flight crew members!

    That is great. It takes office shenanigans to an entirely new level.

    Good luck to you, Ray. Visit us occasionally, especially oppo. You have done well here and made some good hiring calls. Thanks for the effort.

    I haven't mentioned it before but it is very effective. So are a good pair of eyes always looking and a Valentine One.

    Driving in the fast lane. That's where cops look first and that's were they find most drivers. Keep right except to pass (and avoid tickets, too).