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    That's a little off kilter but I'll give the guy credit for pursuing his dream. I wish him luck. He really clarified what was needed to do at the end of the interview. "I'm doing it because I want the experience of doing it. I don't care how long this takes. My goal is a near OEM fit and finish. And that's going to

    A Golf isn't a sports car it's an econobox.

    I'm sorry, which 4 cylinder listed develops 550 lb/ft of torque? Those are the V8's I'm interested in.

    While you have a point that the Gov't is responsible for this it doesn't mean I have to like it. In fact the more we DIS-like it the more motivated we should become for doing something about it. CAFE standards are ridiculous as is the EPA and NHTSA regulations. It's time we claim our rights, tell the Gov't to back off

    Hell has officially frozen when Cadillac offers a car with only a V6 as the top engine and even dares to offer 4 cylinders. The car looks pretty good but I'm officially disgusted.

    Nice job on raising your daughter. I'm doing similar things with my kids. It's about time for my 6 year old daughter to learn how to weld. Congratulations on winning COTD.

    Yep, you guys nailed it. I agree that it's a late 80's early 90's GM W-car. Probably a Grand Prix.

    I agree with you. The only facts I'll inundate you with are those from NHTSA itself documenting deaths CAUSED by airbags when a safety belt would have served just fine. Their report on the matter is rather damning yet they ignore the results and continue to advocate airbags.

    Wow, that's taking enthusiasm to new heights. It also reiterates my constant rant that placing exploding things close to humans and calling them safety devices is just ridiculous. Wear seat belts and lose the airbags. I'm looking at you NHTSA.

    Cool story and congratulations on COTD. John Glenn is a true American hero. I have immense respect for him.

    I realize that but if you don't know what the ad is for then the ad is worthless. If I tell you I will sell you stuff you want but you don't know who I am then that's just a waste of time and money.

    I'm not surprised with that statistic but is that for detecting inert (as in NOT WORKING WITH NO EXPLOSIVES) or real weapons? It's just a bunch of plastic and maybe some ball bearings if the explosives are gone so what's the big deal? It's not like that should be something they are supposed to be looking for.

    Clearly it wasn't moved and I venture the reason for that was due to the fact that it was already optimized. Dr. Barnaby Wainfan was responsible for the aero work on that car. He knows his stuff. Placing the wing lower would cause all kinds of interference with the rest of the airflow on the car and reduce overall

    No, not at all. They work differently aerodynamically. It's like calling an apple and orange. They're both fruit so what's the difference? Plenty.

    And it left a neat little hole in the hood. That wasn't as spectacular as it could have been but the price tag to fix it will be.

    This is a spoiler. What you are referring to is a wing.

    Now that's really cool and very low cost for a simulator. I really DO want to be immersed in my spreadsheets.

    That is really cool. Go aviation and astronomy!

    I think the Ford ads could backfire in the same way GM killed Oldsmobile by changing the logo and not putting the name on the car. I DO think that Ford should take a handful of cars, debadge them and get people to test drive them without those people knowing who makes the car. Kind of like a blind folded taste test.

    Congratulations on your COTD. You are so right.