Small correction, Jason "(the engine goes 2000 *hours* between overhauls". Otherwise nice article. Interesting tidbit that they are developing a car only version. I think that's great.
Small correction, Jason "(the engine goes 2000 *hours* between overhauls". Otherwise nice article. Interesting tidbit that they are developing a car only version. I think that's great.
The front end has a decidedly Ferrari vibe to it. I'm not sure it matches with the general Viperness I've come to expect. What have the Italians done to our supercar?
A technical/historical post winning COTD? I approve.
That bar stool has a real nice sounding idle. I'm curious about the transmission he used. It seems to be a hydrostatic, perhaps?
Front wheel drive! Biggest mistake ever (with a very few exceptions were it is a good thing).
That is fantastic. Good job and well deserved. I lol'd...I'm still loling...I think I may know Keith.
I give them an A+ for innovation. Judging from the technology they are using I think this has a high probability for success as a flyving machine. It's all pretty straight forward approach. Who knows how well it would sell but depending on the price they may have something there. That's a pretty cool deal either way.
That's great news. I wish him further success.
$17 an hour and they can't get better people working for them? Maybe they just suck at hiring good people.
I love junk yards. It's like the land on opportunity with projects and possibilities around every corner. I want to keep walking and see every car, thread my way under the stacked ones to discover a hidden gem. If it's not a gem of a car it's at least a special or very difficult to find part. Sure it's sad to see so…
We call it the metroplex and mostly treat it as one until we start talking specifics of where we are going since there's a huge difference between Waxahachie and Plano (probably 80 miles).
I agree. Even though he drove Fords I still like him.
Very nicely done.
What a cool story. That is really neat. Nice job, Hardibro, I imagine that was a fun piece to put together.
As already stated, fatality rates are down mainly because people are driving less due to higher gas prices and not safer cars.
You can thank our government for all the ridiculous regulations that keep adding weight to everything.
350 hp is good but placing it in a lard bucket is not much of anything. Hey now that you guys are all social networked up can we get an "I don't care" button? Please?
I want a car lift AND a car elevator.