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    Ricers vs. real cars since the late '80s.

    Chevy vs. Ford in NASCAR since, well, the beginning.

    I'll second that. The rivalry is epic and has been going on for decades.

    Corvette vs. Cobra circa 1963-67

    We haven't seen the HP specs yet so you can't argue how close a GT would be to this car in the 1/4. It's weight is comparable. In what way wouldn't a GT be eligible for NHRA class racing? The stock and super stock rules are pretty tight on what can be modified so calling this Mustang a race car and a GT a street car

    I'm fully aware of that but you can't make enough money in super stock to pay for a $90K car. It's a gentleman's racecar and an expensive one at that. You can get a GT (as in new GT40) for that price.

    I'm all for high performance pony cars but a $90K Mustang? Really? I wouldn't spend that kind of money. BTW, what are the HP numbers and transmission/rear gear options?

    The new car sales data is at least some good news but I think everyone needs to hold onto their hats for this coming year. I think it's going to be a real roller coaster. People are skittish and the election year won't help anyone's confidence so here we gooooo.

    I'm used to it and it's ok that you're awesome.

    Congratulations and well done. Well done indeed.

    I'm eagerly looking forward to the update that includes active jamming.

    That sounds great to me and it's something I've be a champion of for some time. Do you have any close up photos of the rear wing? How about its mechanism? How about a video of it in action?

    Oooooo, now that is intriguing. They really should build it.

    But if they don't spin as fast they won't have that F1 'sound' that we are all used to. The fans will be disappointed and will turn their backs on F1 because the sport has become unrecognizable...It also occurred to me that, without access to helium, Eddie Jordan's voice may actually be an octave lower than what we're

    How about coolest seaplane (although the Mars is pretty cool)? I agree that the sled ranks very high on the coolness chart.

    I'll second that!

    Nice job and congratulations. Your toast is amusing and appropriate.

    I think Pan Am and Mini are about to converge and announce their latest and most relevant offering: the Mini Clipper. It's smaller than your average float plane yet has no resemblance to anything that the word 'mini' would imply.

    That's awesome, it is really a lot of fun.

    No real surprise here. Crappy customer service and treating customers like they are idiots by the nickle and dime and hidden fee approach to selling tickets is costing the entire industry.