Now that's taking your job seriously. We are in debt to warriors like her that are willing to do what it takes to get the job done.
Now that's taking your job seriously. We are in debt to warriors like her that are willing to do what it takes to get the job done.
Eye ripping color on factory racecar...check
Well I would say that the design definitely shows promise. That's a great bit of news, Matt. Thanks.
He he, the never ending engineer/mechanic struggle of design versus reality.
Well said and so true. The next missing area of knowledge is designing to lower cost. That +/- .001 tolerance just made each part cost $50 more.
This is exactly why every engineer should spend time in a machine shop. You are not a complete, professional until you at least have a basic understanding of what the manufacturing and assembly people have to go through to make what you designed work.
That sounds like normal Ferrari relations to me. While not quite, they are like the Carol Shelby of Europe only they ignore lawsuits rather than file (most of the time).
Nice job and funny indeed.
It all makes sense now but it's still messed up. I actually bought a '93 for really cheap just a month ago. I'm not going to do what he did to it but it's not going to look the same when I'm done with it.
Not really considering the price of C4 Corvettes these days. Those chrome twenty-fos probably cost more than a 20 year old Vette.
That is soo messed up. Granted, C4's aren't the best looking Vettes but come on.
Nicely done. Backyard engineering at it's best.
I completely agree, closer to stock is better. At least on the chassis/body side of things but I still want them to look like they do currently. I worry what the V8 Supercars are going to change into by going with the tube frame and custom body route.
It's the sponsor Deutsche Post (German post office).
Now don't climb all over Matt for that comment. He is correct because the DTM allows the bodies to actually be the shape of the car they are based on rather than a standard shape for all cars with stickers that say 'Camry' or 'Monte Carlo'. So, technically, he is correct that the shape is more stock than a NASCAR even…
Well we got rain (3 inches worth) shortly after the prayer day. We are very close to the big fire(s) that happened this spring. In fact, our department got called out to respond to them. There have been more fires in the exact same area this past week. The fire danger around here is unbelievably high and we are hyper…
All you need is courage, determination and a chevy stove bolt six.
I just posted my haiku in oppo but it seems appropriate for this one.
So is BMW actually saying that it's a technical problem with the car and not the driver as the reason why signals aren't seen on them? That's taking customer service to a new level.
Good job, the ending was perfect.