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    Drinking at the Jeep plant? Really?, NO.

    And if we can tune the wavelength we can have a very powerful anti-LIDAR device as well!! Say buh-bye to your little laser guns, coppers.

    Radials have odd numbers of cylinders so that their firing order is even. 7 or 9 cylinders per row.

    Now playing

    They tend to be large so they are difficult to package in a car.

    If you don't limit it to cars then the R-4360 Wasp Major. 36 cylinders, 2 plugs per cylinder...that's a fun tune-up.


    Ferrari F1 V12

    I'm partial to corners and curves rather than a bunch of hairpins. Too bad so many of these roads are in countries that I can't get my car to easily.

    I'm planning to attend as well.

    Ah yeah, such good news. Don't ya love it.

    Very nice job. I lol'd, I cried, I blinked.

    Lol, that's one of those digital prints for your garage door isn't it?

    Just remember, everyone, the inside of a C-5 is bigger than most everyone's garage. I would sure like a F-18 so I can try and make it fit in my garage.

    Old Topanga Canyon road is pretty fun. Back in my early days of driving that is where I learned that you had BETTER rev match and heel-toe into the corners or you're going to crash! I almost did.

    That's hilarious. Stranger coincidences have happened. I just want to know how you even come up with something like this, Spinelli? Lots of psychotropic web surfing?

    1st gear: the nose is very interesting. I'd say a pretty good effort. Now they just need to pair it with some real styling on the rest of the car(s) they produce. The grill does not make the car but it can sure help. BTW, bombasity needs to be the word for the day.

    Completely correct and a very well deserved COTD.

    And we care? Really? No, no we don't care.

    You said it and I agree.

    Nice list.