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    As I said, the structure must be different to accommodate the wider at the bottom engine. That makes for packaging challenges for the suspension. Control arms must be shorter and springs may have to go in odd locations.

    Where did I mention anything about balance?

    Packaging wise they aren't efficient and the structure required for the chassis doesn't add very much advantage to the fabled low CG of a flat engine. This is especially true when you start hanging turbos and intercoolers on the thing.

    Agreed, if you're building essentially the same car for the last 50 years then there's no need to move on.

    While the Airline pilot article is only slightly insightful its examples are lacking. All three of the examples are of lesser qualified and trained pilots and/or airlines. Commuter pilots have far less experience than major airlines and their accident rates reflect that. Foreign, smaller airlines typically don't have

    Yeah, the 4C is a pretty nice looking car. Thanks for the extra photos.

    Sure, but fix the lighter.

    4th gear: There is so much research going on in this and other areas that I'm predicting that we are going to be at $2 a gallon gas in about 5 years. I know of about 10 different technologies that have been developed that will be coming on line soon that can make your average farmer into a fuel producer. By that I

    Yeah, those are even better looking.

    What a great looking car. It has some serious style.

    Lol, I think.

    You call that an interior? THIS is an interior.

    That was a REALLY cheesy video and the music didn't fit at all. As for the airplane, pretty standard corporate fare. Just about every custom jet interior (and they are ALL custom) has gold plated hardware. That's just a catalog item. Overall it looks nice but there are a lot better looking installations out there. Oh

    That's just crazy. Crazy, I tell you.

    This is what I originally posted about this article. I'm sure to get derided by PJ but let me point out that I don't think I'm any better that anyone else. I just don't like hanging with people that only talk and give excuses as to why they aren't truly involved.

    Nicely done and what a great story. I'm not a fan of really long posts but this was worth it.

    It certainly isn't completely the consumer's fault but they play a role. Many people don't even act on their "enthusiast" label. Many (including quite a few on this site) like to talk about cars and yap about specs but they buy and drive appliances. Sure, they are experts on every supercar stat from the last 15 years

    Lol, I agree.

    I agree, the second generation cars are nice looking but that's about it.

    +1 on that. I was just going to post it.