Wow, now that is crazy. "When hydraulic tractor trailers go bad..." My question is did the driver ever look in his mirrors? And why isn't there a warning light indicating that the trailer is extended?
Don't listen to all the whiners. That's a pretty good list. Sure you could have added others but, overall, it's just fine.
Nicely done, indeed. A bit long but worth it.
Electric orange guppy FTW! I like it.
Why be an esoteric purist? If you can't afford to do what you think is proper then does it really have any meaning or validity? To me it seems to only hinder and begrudge people with less resources than the ultra rich but that actually try.
I like it. Very nice and swoopy. Less buggish from the front compared to the original.
Only the rich or brilliantly talented metal workers can afford to be that particular. Can you make an alloy body? Can you afford to have one made for you?
That is very nice. I disagree with the counterfeit comment. Some cars are simply awesome but a normal person could never have one. Granted, this is probably too expensive but I'm all for replicas and interpretations as well as original ideas.
I completely agree!! +100 for the GTO.
Hah, winner! I totally forgot about those and haven't seen one in years.
Good job, I am amused. I'll second the short COTD as well.
I completely agree.
I pay taxes for those cops to even have those jobs. They have "protect and serve" written on their vehicles yet they pretty much abide by "ticket and fine".
I so don't care about any of those cars but 50,000 Accords are stolen a year? Where are all the cops...oh I know. Today I saw four of them on the side of the road with radar/laser guns rather than cruising neighborhoods looking for criminals. Revenue beats crime fighting every time.
Very cool and a well done article. Good job.
The government serves the people not the other way around. The free market can take care of itself with regards to mileage. It's pretty obvious that mileage it isn't very important to people. Gov't has no right to tell us we must.
While it may not be necessary all of the time it's not you or the government's place to tell people what they can or can't drive/own. It's ok to have your opinion and to tell everyone about it but that's it. Don't get me wrong I don't like SUV's anymore than I like electric cars but it's our right to make our own…