Most amusing. Good job, Ray. Are you actually going to be on the program? If not you need to share your lap times pronto!
Most amusing. Good job, Ray. Are you actually going to be on the program? If not you need to share your lap times pronto!
Well said, sir. You are absolutely correct.
Rock that! I fully approve of this awesome Corvette photo (and of Corvettes in general). Nice job, Ryan.
Congratulations. I didn't read more than 15% because I haven't even TYPED that much in the last two days combined. I get the sentiment and applaud it. Good job.
Man, you really need this manual. I tried to change an alternator on one once. Boy was that a pain. An illustration or two would have been very helpful. Oh yeah, don't lose any of the bolts because they are almost impossible to find. It took me a couple of days to get one. I finally found it on ebay.
Nice looking furniture but I'd rather spend the money on car mods.
Yes, that more than qualifies. That is epic.
Lol, nice reference, Justin. That is a pretty accurate description.
I feel sorry for those poor engineers trying to figure out what on earth is going on. It sounds like a complicated problem but Hyundai should take note of Toyota and put enough people on it to find the cause and implement a proper repair.
Ok, put down the crackpipe, meth and LSD...and the booze....hand over the superglue...and the magic mushrooms.
Lol, electric cars suck. Here's something to make the universe right again.
Well said and I agree. Further kudos for getting out there on track and having some fun. More people need to do that.
Cough, cough...I'm ok now.
Impressively competent aircrew, ATC and ground crew. That is professionalism.
You shouldn't be working on a car if you're an idiot. Especially if it's a safety system like the brakes. Even an imbecile shouldn't touch a car but certain tasks would be ok for a moron to perform.
Lol, that's soooo wrong (but a good explanation).
Oh noz. Didn't they know that the Corvair was unsafe and any speed on the mulsanne straight?