Lol, you just brought up even more fun and confusion. I don't have a clue who they are now but allow me to add a bit more. During WWII Fairchild and Republic Aircraft were separate companies as was North American Aviation. North American merged with Rockwell International (Rockwell went on to build the Space Shuttle)…
I hear ya. They have to play politics and the like.
Nice video. Have you seen that guy drive? Wow he's got skilz. Has he been around long?
Booo American Airlines for buying Airbus. If it's not Boeing I'm not going.
The order includes "options" which are delivery slots at specific dates in the future. I disagree that actual delivery is 20% of an announced order but hard numbers for delivery in this order are probably around 100 to 130 aircraft per manufacturer with the remainder being options to be exercised (or not) at a later…
Well that's kinda neat. Crazy, too, but neat.
Wheeeee! looks like fun to me.
I agree with just about everything that has been said so far. That list is ridiculous. Trucks and vans aren't cars and most are far from reasonably priced. I give it a double thumbs down and suggest they perform a reality check and publish those results.
Yeah and motorcycles get 50 or 60 mpg...but everyone is buying trucks and SUVs (I call BS on your BS). So are you saying that the gov't should tell people what kind of vehicles they should buy? It's an AVERAGE not a single car mpg number. The current high CAFE number is why cars are smaller than they were 20 yrs ago…
Very nice and most amusing.
Warthogs are awesome. There aren't many problems on the battlefield that a few 30mm DU rounds won't fix.
That is just awesome.
Well now, my accomplishments for the day seem quite pathetic comparatively.
Nice writeup. It looks like a lot of fun. I think the car got a double dose of ugly, however. What kind of transmission/shifter combination does it run?
Nicely done.
Once again, good write-up. Your personality comes through in your writing and it is most entertaining.
A very good list. From all the complaints it sounds like you could easily make a top 25 or even 50 list.
Can I just say that using the word "crash" and "airplane" together usually mean falling from the sky and fiery death. How about ground collision or something along those lines?