Great story and deserving COTD. I've enjoyed similar events but without the unwilling passenger.
Great story and deserving COTD. I've enjoyed similar events but without the unwilling passenger.
Crazy stuff. Thanks for tracking down some history.
An NHRA national event. Watching on TV does not prepare you for the power of a top fuel car. It is truly something that must be experienced. When your vision is blurred due to the exhaust pulse energy and your diaphragm is overpowered in a similar manner you know you are dealing with something almost beyond…
It's what the text said on the video. The fully enclosed canopy provides a load path to other structure thus not having to withstand all the force itself. Additionally, aerospace polycarbonate is seriously strong stuff (tensile and compression strength of about 11,000 psi or 76 Mpa) and those canopies are pretty thick.
Any race track as a PARTICIPANT. It doesn't matter if it's autocross, road race, drag race, etc just get on the track. Without ever driving a car to the limit you will only be a poser that likes cars and talks about them.
Now that's the proper way to spend money. They have quite a nice collection. I'd be happy with just one.
A 3,000 lb Beetle? Are you serious? I thought the euroenviroweenies insisted that everyone drive smaller cars? It's a further abomination to all things VW Bug related.
Yeah! A Fiertos. I like it.
Should have bought a Chevy.....
Good to know he got out. Such a shame to loose another example to an avoidable accident. A lot of these guys are rich enough to afford to fly them but not professional enough to keep out of trouble. Performing a fighter break but then continuing in the original direction of flight does not seem wise to me. "Always…
Just about anything in SoCal when it isn't congested. I-5 from San Diego to Oceanside runs pretty fast, the 14 out of LA to Palmdale is also fun and high speed (off rush-hour times), I've run pretty fast on the 210 from San Fernando to San Bernardino, 635 in Dallas also moves well.
Such a shame but at least he was doing something fun. So let's all learn a lesson and live life by enjoying it rather than enduring it.
I hope the pain isn't too severe. Get well soon, Wes. Then go buy a car. You have a lot of time to shop online for one.
I'm not a bike guy by any means but I think there should be a lot more bike lanes and I have no problem with highway dollars funding them. Provided that they add more lanes rather than take away from existing traffic lanes. It really isn't safe mixing cars and bikes so they should have their own lanes. BTW, that…
Careful triangulation and minimum weight engineering FTW!
Lol, very nice indeed. She needs to have a talk with BRABUS SLR guy.
I LIKE it!
Looks like a great flight. What a sad thing that it's the last launch.
That is awesome.