Good job, Caswell. What great cars.
Good job, Caswell. What great cars.
I see what you did there.
Yeah, it was pretty quiet when I toured the museum but that was nice. Plenty of room to take photos and gawk. Those are some seriously cool cars.
It is.
Very nice, indeed. What a gorgeous shot and car. I like the stripe continuation on the grill. Is it an optical illusion that the driver's side stripe on the hood is closer to the center than the other? Either way that is a fabulous image.
and dangling Wookies.
Oh the irony. There are a few occasions not requiring WOT (typically it totals approx 2% of your driving time).
Hey wow, the final comment in that clip summed it up very well..."that was pathetic".
I concur. That's a great combination. Now go get some funding and make it happen.
Never mind the quote. That was about the coolest video you guys have ever posted.
It then uses the other 5 seconds to catch on fire.
zekestone has it right. I had to do the same thing once. I let the trailer walk halfway into the other lane but was very gentle with the steering and braking. A sway control is an absolute necessity.
I don't advocate driving some huge truck around all the time but there is a proper tool for the job and tiny cars can't do things trucks can. Until you understand how America works you should really hold your opinions. We have counties that are bigger that some European countries. If you live in the middle of Texas…
Sway controls are your friend. I had a trailer wag on me almost that bad but was able to ease the speed down and not over drive the car.
Almost rolling a truck with a roll cage...big deal.
Not without looking like and being like the dukes of hazard. You cannot safely tow a 4000 lb load with a 2700 lb car. Besides, one trip in a 10 mpg truck is more efficient than 3 trips in a 25 mpg car.
That rocks.