Absolutely hilarious, I love it! That's the best 2 stroke impersonation I've heard.
Absolutely hilarious, I love it! That's the best 2 stroke impersonation I've heard.
By your intro I knew what it was before I even watched it. Good one.
That is a magical sound. Not only should cars sound like that but they should look and run like that!
I suggest the sound of walking fast in corduroy. zik zik zik ZIK ZIK ZIK ZIK
Then you should come the US and learn how we use our cars. You can't move a refrigerator or a washing machine with a 2L Peugeot 206. You can't tow another car on a trailer with a tiny gas engine nor can you build a house and haul all the materials. There is a place for small cars and small engines and the same goes…
The airbag article is total crap and Rick Kranz can go lock himself in a closet for all I care. If you read actual data rather than marketing hype (i.e. NHTSA's airbag report from a few years ago) you will see from their own mouths that seat belts do a better job AND don't kill people. Their own study documented…
Wrong answer but if you want to then go ahead.
How do you come up with something like that? In total I didn't even type that much in college.
I see by your screen name that you are a little confused already but perhaps team Vodafone can answer your questions on winning Holdens.
They could and should do better rather than shorten the length of the race. Why not go to an 1/8 mile? or heck, make it a 60 ft race. That is much more safe. Like I said I'm interested in 1/4 mile racing and the ability to compare between the classes and through out the years. 1000 ft racing is just a joke and a bad…
Thus emasculating the sport of drag racing rather than making it more safe via technology improvements to the equipment and the race tracks. I haven't really followed it much after that. RIP Scott.
I agree with you and suggested it quite a ways down the page.
Now THAT's a victory lap! We need more of that at every race. There is no doubt that Shane is quite an impressive driver. He's fun to watch. Too bad he drives a F*rd. Someone needs to get that boy a Holden.
Shirley Muldowney
lol, nice. I am very amused.
Great, now make your cars look more like race cars rather than boxes with a huge Gene Simmons-esque tonguelike grill and 4 circles.