And we are not less for that. Taste snobbishness is quite stupid IMO, people will like whatever they want.

Well my bad, I expect daddy Emps to show up in the Forgeworld Horus Heresy setting, not on the current 41K one. I hope he gets disconnected so we can see where that leads, either to a resurgance or to mankind doom.

Not to be a meme but you know, spiritual liege and all that shit, of course mr. Smurf is the first in line for a miniature. And you are right the Lion is alive and seeing Cipher got an upgrade in everything (model, lore and rules) I think it is not too far before dude gets awakened.

Yep him too got fucked up but he was more sensible to chaos corruption and it was his own kin that betrayed him (motherfucking Typhus in da house).

They have to go with lore accepted characters, Robute wasn’t dead (he was ALMOST dead) and many fans and even GW themselves let the door open for his resurrection. Now Vulkan, Russ and Corax (and Khan? I don’t remember) are a little bit more complicated, because their legend says they went to some crusade and never

I’m actually surprised how much has GW changed (in some regards at least). Years ago you were mad to dream a primarch being in the tabletop, “it would be impossible to stat” some said, “too powerful, too broken” other said, and now we have Robute and Magnus in the main game, with them and almost all of their brothers

I’m no expert on my whole culture by any metric, and living in Mexico City and being nurtured in a family that enjoys culture wherever it comes from perhaps I’m not speaking for all, but I thought that Drinkbox made an excellent game that while it had some cliches on our culture it had a whole lot of details right,

Luigi Mansion and Castlevania mashup, like the Smash trailer. I don’t know how that would play but it would be amazing.

People who like the mobile aspect and are not superhardcore about being competitive?

I say fuck them, it may not be perfect but it is an awesome game. Have 170 hours and I still have three more towers to activate and a Divine Beast to kill. The game is packed with things if you really look into it.

What is this? Is it from some game?

Seems this kids really drank the koolaid of the PS era about Nintendo being kiddie and them mature and cool. Its some kind of inverse bizarre console loyalty thing.

Seems you haven’t played MK8, it is a fenomenal game FAR from the SNES offering, hell far from the Wii or GC offerings, and smoother than the 3DS one.

Hmmm it’s like the secret to live long is luck, genes and most importantly, being goddamn happy with your life.

Yeah that is the real problem with depression, your brain simply won’t understand what you logically may think or know. It is a simple (to external people) yet so complicated problem, if anyone could control it then it wouldn’t be classified as a psychological problem.

This is one of the few games that gives some love to my culture while making fun and engaging. Never expected a sequel and why the hell is this post so tiny? The first one is one of the best beat-em-ups/metroidvania games ever. And as people say, I hope this gets a Switch release.

I guess when it is appropiate to use the “it’s been 84 years” meme. By this point I’m past being annoyed and more being resigned that it will come, eventually, if he doesn’t die first.

I played a bit of it, but I guess I need to play more. What I’ve played I enjoyed but it seems that after some time it becomes dull, which would be a big no no, specially for an RPG which demands a lot of time.

I know that relying on one reviewer or reviewers is not always recommended, but while he may be too fixated on that flaw it doesn’t take away that it is a flaw.
I usually like story-lite games, I love Pokemon for instance, but if the story is also dull then playing the game becomes a drag. So I’ll wait to read at least

Mmm I had high hopes for this game, now I will wait to see what more people says about it. The mechanics I liked, but if it feels so dull in the story department then that’s a shame.