bungie should really give you guys transmog...allow you to keep the old weapon look but just upgrade the stats with the new weapons. Thats how they do it in WoW and it seems to keep people sane, kind of.
bungie should really give you guys transmog...allow you to keep the old weapon look but just upgrade the stats with the new weapons. Thats how they do it in WoW and it seems to keep people sane, kind of.
Oh no a comparison to Grandpa Cook? That does not bode well for Nintendo. I do see what you are saying. It went for a man-boy that loved tech and building new things to a guy who acts like a banker. This is looking similar to the point he even says he is going to follow Iwata’s policys...its like Grandpa Cook he can’t…
I got married that day. Also its the same date but a few years before that I started working a job I just retired from this year. I am so old. Usually 13 is bad luck but it was not for me. Nor I guess Mario.
My favorite part was the Fahey Snacktaku reference. If they fool that tech savy website none of us are safe.
Thanks. Guess I will stay with HOTS.
Did this change the game? Is everyone having to relearn stuff? Just asking since I have been away for awhile and everyone;s skills are just way above me. So if its a bit of reboot it may be worth getting back in.
Those should be hours...their hourly rate is what they masked out but are used to come up with the monthly dollar totals at the bottom. Looks like a lot of the staff is part time or is at least part a part time salary while some are getting mandatory overtime.
Man that was funny.
I agree. That one is about as bad as you can say to a Japanese person. Again we are back to gamers looking like complete jerks again.
I will play this. Very interesting idea. Hope they try a turned based baseball.
Think the point here is not so much watching video game streams but this just shows how nasty the gaming community is. I couldn’t watch the whole thing. Wishing the guy death, cancer, aids and attacks on his wife and kids? Over a bad joke?
Wonder how hard it is to turn a bunch of n3ds parts from a jpn variant to a na version? They may have had some inventory to dump. Anyway glad its coming. I like my jpn version but some of the rpgs coming up it would be easier in english.
“Which, OK, they probably shouldn’t have been doing! “ [taking money]
Thank the snack and toy gods. I now can go shopping once again in confidence instead of mindless roaming the aisles.
Yeah I normally don’t like the finger thing but it is how I feel too. I guess in reality there just isn’t enough money in it for them.
I am sure there are some that don’t think this game related stuff...But I am very much enjoying the photos you have been sharing recently Brian. This one is especially good.
Thats what I thought when I first saw this. Its what companies try to do with physical things like free food or gyms or quiet areas. But actually having someone come around whose job it is to try to help change the mood is a good idea. Instead of things its a more personal approach that can adapt. I get the girls…
Actually I am kind of happy about this. I have only seen videos but it looked like a lot of fun.
None of these are the biggest problem. Its the content. We like to call it the ‘begging channel’. The other day a woman was on because she was getting tossed out of her house. She kept saying it over and over again as she played LoL. Guess she didn’t need to pack? She put on that speech tool that allows a robotic…
So now we are skinny shamming people. So judgy (is that word?). Poor guy has been working hard at the gym, not hitting the bars in Hyrule and going on a low carb mushroom diet...wait have we seen Toad in awhile?